Office 2016 automatic update settings


Well, this is rich!

First I had Windows 10 set to install updates for other Microsoft products, which lead to Windows update offering me updates for Office compenents I don't have installed. After trying to figure out online how to update the Office components I have and not the ones I don't have and failing to do so I simply turned off the "install updates for other Microsoft products," just to save myself the aggravation.

THEN, yesterday, I turn on Word, and I didn't even completely notice what exactly happened, because I wasn't paying much attention, but Office started some kind of an update procedure and, what do you know, today I have Excel installed, when I DIDN'T install Excel when I initially installed Office and I don't WANT Excel.

Does anyone know where the Office automatic update settings are so I can ask it to please consult me next time it wants to install something, if it doesn't mind.