Oracle (SQL * Plus)


Truth fears no questions
sypher822 said:
in oracle 9i, sql plus... does anyone know what the commit; statement after the INSERT INTO statements does??

It make a group of SQL statements (also know as a transaction) permanent.

INSERT INTO inserts a new row (record) into a database. This is still a tentative "transaction" and if a system failure or another problem occurred, these changes would not have been saved to the database. COMMIT saves those changes to the database itself, allowing other processes to see those changes, making them permanent. There is also ROLLBACK, which will restore everything back to the last COMMIT statement.

(If you need me to further clarify anything.. I will be happy to. It is a lot easier explaining SQL in my mind than it is explaining it to someone else :eek: )


Truth fears no questions
sypher822 said:
nope, that was great thanks

just kept seeing it there and no one had said what it is supposed to

you will find that a lot in SQL. ... (DISTINCT was another command, it makes perfect sense once someone explains it too you, but until then... I was under the impression GROUP BY would work just fine.. :rolleyes: )


Truth fears no questions
sypher822 said:
i might end up asking u somemore stuff later...thanks again
sypher822 said:

did u teach urself, or did u take a course???

I took a course in school. Learned the basics of SQL (both MYSQL and SQL+ ..and PHP). If I ever get a job dealing with any of these languages I will need to run through my notes a few times.... Still, there is sooo much to these languages.. but if you understand the concepts of manipulating databases through querying, your on the right track!
