Overclocking a radeon9600

I just bought a radeon 9600 (NOT PRO) from bestbuy for around $56 with rebates and so on. i figure its a good deal ya know. i got radlinker and started thinking, "maybe i dont want to fry the vid card just YET." and so i looked at all the reviews for videocards and overclocking them. i can not find a overclocked review for just a radeon 9600, only for the bloody radeon 9600 pros...i mean hell i even found one for a radeon 9600 se, i didnt even think they existed! i want to know a good variable for keeping it clocked at. without frying it. i mean i used to have a radeon (i think its also called a 8100) sdr and i overclocked it at about 10 hz vpu and 10 hz mem and it worked fine but i didnt get the most out of it. i just want to know a good steady number for it that someone can vouch and say they had the card, they overclocked it to XXX hz and said it was stable like that. any links to reviews on the 9600 would be appreciated ^^.

TiGa TacTics

New Member
MarvinTheMartian said:
I just bought a radeon 9600 (NOT PRO) from bestbuy for around $56 with rebates and so on. i figure its a good deal ya know. i got radlinker and started thinking, "maybe i dont want to fry the vid card just YET." and so i looked at all the reviews for videocards and overclocking them. i can not find a overclocked review for just a radeon 9600, only for the bloody radeon 9600 pros...i mean hell i even found one for a radeon 9600 se, i didnt even think they existed! i want to know a good variable for keeping it clocked at. without frying it. i mean i used to have a radeon (i think its also called a 8100) sdr and i overclocked it at about 10 hz vpu and 10 hz mem and it worked fine but i didnt get the most out of it. i just want to know a good steady number for it that someone can vouch and say they had the card, they overclocked it to XXX hz and said it was stable like that. any links to reviews on the 9600 would be appreciated ^^.

Do a search on google for radeon forum....I found tons