Page file


I have a AMD 955 with 4 GB of RAM and uses about 2 GB with no load but the page file is at 65% and I have a i5 that has 8 GB of RAM and uses the same about 2 GB with no load but the page file is at 10%. I'm wondering why?


Master of Turning Things Off and Back On Again
Staff member
What background applications is the AMD machine running? They should both be about the same, but obviously something is using the RAM and paging file on the AMD.


They both have the thing programs on them, they are like clones, so I'm not sure how I can figure out what is using the page file. This is what the gadget is telling me. This is not hurting my computer I just wanted some feedback. It may not make any difference because my C:\ drive is a SSD drive.

I went into my page file and change it and then change it back and then re boot and now it's OK. The page file is below 10%. I guess it just needed a flushing with a re-boot. I should of known that when things go wrong with your computer, re-booting fixing them about half of the time.
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