

New Member
I have been studying the topic on how to speed up webpages and came to some conclusions below.

So, would like to share to get opinions?

Is popup good or not? And why one needs popup?

To answer the question let us calculate average time one spends seeing and closing popups.

Let us imagine a webpage with 100 links on it (or some objects that trigegr popup through javascript).

For example, one wants to find a product, a flat and etc.

To read such page one needs 100 * 1 sec = 100 sec (assuming 0.8 sec takes to navigate to the object, read the popup text and 0.2 sec takes to find the popup close icon and then close popup).

In the webpage without popups no one needs to perform those actions, instead text (product or flat short description) is presented and the needed info can be obtained instantly.

So, every popup page consumes much more time to find the information than the page without popups (basically plain text page).

Another thing, pages with popup hang up more often because javascripts tend to fall into infinite loop due to browsers incompatibility or mistakes in programming code.

In my opinion popups are not needed. They disctract vision and one can not grasp the whole picture at once.
Information in the text comes very quickly through keywords written in it.

Popup makes this procedure very complex and time consuming.
Popup basically hides information and one needs specifically navigate (or hover) on the object.
This is especially annoying when there is no computer mouth (or it stops working) and for people with slow reaction and other disabilities.

I have noticed that webpages over 30 years became very complex to navigate and get the info.
I know this happens because company owners want to maximize staying time on the page, that is why they incorporate javascripts into the page to look very attractive.
But I think it leads to reverse effect. When I see such page that hides info in order that I spend my precious time more, I just close it.
I prefer plain text with clear info.

Well, the same is with roundabouts. Have anyone noticed increase in building roundabouts?
How long it takes to build roundabouts on every cross?
Then what is the next invention to have smooth building process?
Why those are needed?
Why one can not use straight lines?

I think those are similar things. And it is the same in every aspect of life, complexity grows everywhere.
I agree - it looks cool, but as a result it consumes more time if one calculates it.

Is anyone having the same feeling that something is stealing time?