Primary hard drive?...


New Member
Ok, So im wondering which is the primary hard drive when you have 2?

I know with older HD's there were lil plastic prong covers to put in the slot in the back of the hard drive. But with the new drives I have dont have them.

Usually thers i think 6or 8 to prongs besides the PSU connector and the Mainboard connector...but on the seagate ones I have only have 4 prongs.

So, in this case is it just up to the mainboard wiring connectors? theres the number 1 hard drive wire and number 2 hard drive wire.

Example: If I chose the number 1 wire to any one of the HD's it be the primary? Just as long as it say C: drive in the end? Thats all that matters?

Thanks :)
In case of SATA drives, the SATA ports on the motherboard should be numbered from 0 or 1 to ,well, "x" depending on how many SATA ports there are. In case of IDE drives, the order goes "Primary Master" -> "Primary Slave" - > "Secondary Master" -> "Secondary Slave", "Primary" and "second" being the IDE channels and master being the drive at the end of the cable and slave the one hooked up to the middle connector (if there is one)

You can, however, choose the boot order in BIOS (the one that the OS is boted off is the primary drive), and windows allows you to change the drive letters manually.