Question Regarding Large LCD Monitor..


New Member
I am moving in about two weeks or less. My room at my new place is sorta small unfortuntly. If I remember correctly it's approx 10x12 in size. Anyhow. I have been gandering this idea and I would like some feedback on opinions...

I was thinking about getting a 30 or 40 inch LCD Wallmount Tv/Monitor. I was going to use this for dual purpose for computer use and watching tv and movies and such. I was wondering if anyone has used a LCD in that size for a Computer and how did they like it?

Thanks :)

Btw - THIS is the LCD monitor I am referring to.


i debated between buying a large monitor, and multiple smaller monitors

i ended up getting 3 20's instead of a single 30, and i've been extremely happy with my decision, especially for a small apartment.

In fact, i have a 32" tv at my apartment, and i haven't used it once in the time i've had my lcd's, even though they're much smaller.