Reformat OS, still have virus


New Member
I got a virus on my computer called the Sass Worm I believe. Anyways, I thought I would just reformat my HDD since I was going to do it in the near future anyways. To make a very long story short I have reformatted and loaded XP atleast 5 times now. Its pissing me off. Being the computer nub that I am I believed that I could just remove the virues with a reformat and everything would be dandy. Problem is I still have the virus and once the virus makes the computer crash I can not get it to boot fully again. It brings me to a page that says "Computer not shut down properly" etc then you have the safe mode options and regular boot. problem is w/e I pick just freezes the computer.

I get a LSA Shell (Export version) error then after 60 seconds the computer reboots. :0

Does anyone know how to fix this? I was wondering if there is a way to completely erase a HDD since reformatting doesn't do this.

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I was wondering if there is a way to completely erase a HDD since reformatting doesn't do this.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong however I thought that's what reformatting does. I've been in the same situation as you before, reformatted and EVERYTHING was wiped clean. It may be other problems now that is causing it to freeze. Formatting 5 times like that can't be good for the HDD, maybe that has something to do with it.
Yeah, a format should clear most virus's out. I beleive boot sector virus's might stick around longer, but they are rather rare anymore(do they even affect NTFS?)

Anyway, I would suggest getting a clean boot disk/CD and finding some Low Level Format program to wipe that sucker out. What else is that format called? Set zeros or something like that... Anyway, if that doesn't clear the virus, nothing will!

Oh, I assum you just have a single drive, right?
Well after reformatting with FAT this time it still has the viruses and spyware, its actually worse now than when I had originally started >.<

Where might I get a good boot disk? and what do you mean by low level format program?
Download and burn SP2 for windows XP, then reformat and before connecting to the internet or a network install the sp2 patch restart.
Also just for the hell of it, when you reformat do a FULL format not the quick format.
I has this problem, and this was my cure.

Tony B.
i think i got this problem before, why dont you try to fdisk your hardisk, delete and create again, probably the virus is in the mbr or master boot record, you cannot delete it by simply formating,

try also disk manager, download a disk manager for your hardisk if it is a seagete then download a seagate Dm. and remove and restore your MBR
hope It'll help you
just reformat with NTFS file system
I find it hard to believe you have a boot sector virus, nor anyother virus that could survive multiple formats
What i do suspect is that something you keep installing after your format contains the virus. It could be anything
a. Your windows cd (if its not orignal)
b. Your drivers disks
c. Any third party software
d. Your virus scanner its self (if not orignal cd)
e. From the net.

What you need to do is, use a freinds computer, collect fresh updated copies of all your drivers. Borrow your friend win cd (its not illegal if you use you product code). Download fresh copies of your virus scanner (if yours arn't from a manufacturer).
reformat in NTFS from your mates cd.
Install all required driver using fresh copies,
install visus scanner.
Dont install anything else.
Run a scan and i'll bet you dont have the virus anymore
Maybe is a bios virus or smth :/
If u remove the battery from the mb for 5 mins and then put it back wont the bios reset?
I dont know much just giving some ideas
If u remove the battery from the mb for 5 mins and then put it back wont the bios reset?
Or just connect the reset jumpers, but that would not get rid of a bios virus. Nor do i thing that he has a bios virus, if he did i dont even think it would let him boot
Try using a program called Wipedrive, I think you will need to put it on cd and boot to it, but It is quite an effective program for formating, it can also verify that your drive is clean.