Scanner Speeds??


New Member
I am looking for a decent (not pricey) Scanner. I had an old Acer from over 10 years ago, and it was SLOW... I know most out today are probably faster,but I have yet to see any examples (say a 4x6 on average quality scans in 3 minutes, and on another one it scans in 3 seconds, etc..)


New Member
family photos, mostly 4x6 in size is the main thing I want to scan, and I have a TON of them that I need to store digitally, that's why I was looking into scanner speeds, etc..


Staff member
I dont know of any scanners that come to mind offhand but something to consider is ... if you know one scanner takes 3 minutes and the other takes 3 seconds (assuming they are both USB2), do you even want the scanned image from the one which took 3 seconds?

Odds are there's a reason it takes longer....