security policy USB stick


New Member
my school network is very secure and no normal user cant install stuff
installed security policy is disabled for normal user
I asked my ICT supervisor if he can use security policy to only enable the USB instal in server 2003/2008 he say cant enable only USb it all or nothing installed

I am a studi on a school my ICT supervisor ask me to find a way to use USB with out Enable the installad in security policy for normaal user

Any ideas? I hope you guys understand what I mean my eng is not really good ~ ~


New Member
If your school administrator has the policy set for your network to disable USB then why would he ask you to find a way to use USB on the network?

You can't use USB if the network doesn't allow it. You could possibly boot out of the network (if there isn't security controls blocking it) by booting to another OS or maybe locally. But honestly that doesn't make a lot of sense, but it depends on what your trying to do.

If you need to have access to the files on that USB at school then I would suggest uploading the contents to an online backup solution like or