Software for displaying an output - for a performance - IDEAS?


New Member
I am making a performance and I am looking for a software or program or app or online website that can help me do the following.

In my imagination, the audience members have access to their computers.
They get to write a word, and somehow through this software - website, get to send it from their computer and is immediately displayed on a big screen (a projection of another computer's screen - always continuously in display).

The word is displayed by itself, and is displayed in real time. The moment new words are received, the old word is replaced by the new word.
Is such a thing possible?

I am trying to minimize the process of; sending the word through a Google form or similar, in which then the answer has to be copied and pasted and put onto (per se, a Power point) and then displayed - since that will not be real time.

Any ideas?

Thank you so much!