What games are you looknf forward to in 2009

Im looking forward to Americas Army 3.
Not necessarily because I'm dying to play it but I'm more curious if the franchise will recover. IMO, it will never be the same it was in version 2.5 so hopefully AA3 will bring some of that back.
This got me thinking,
Imagine how much fun it will be when you get to fight your first advisor in hl2 ep3, you'll be within there zero-gravity field so your gravity gun (zero-point energy field manipulator) will probably act differently, you'll be on the Borealis so snow will be flowing in every direction like a snow globe being shaken (or there will be balls of water floating around you) I can't wait
Suprised no ones said HL2 EP3...
Still havent beat HL2 but Im sure if i ever get around to beating it and EP1 and 2, ill be stoked for 3.

It was said to be a 2010 release...valve takes their time on games so its not like STALKER or GTA4. Playable no bug games = always have my $$$