Whats a mod?

i picKed a winna

New Member
a mod is a change basically usually for the better..like if you make mods to your computer you change it around to get new better parts for it.


New Member
IT's short for modification. A case mod is where someone takes a computer case and does something unique with it, or uses something that wasn't originally a computer case and makes a computer out of it. Like my computer :D


OK, so it does have sumpin to do with a case, i thought so.

I should build a cardboard box computer

Just one of my many random thoughts :)


New Member
I tried to give my mod a more of a purpose then just a window with pretty lights in the side. Mine is portable.


Praetor said:
Lemme guess you saw the THG video and turned off the common sense algorithms? ;)

THG video? im not familiar with that term.

But no, I didnt turn off any common sense algorithims, I just never hadd any in the first place ;)