Yahoo Messenger problem


I often use Yahoo Messenger to speak to my son and daughter over the Internet.

However sometimes they tell me that they cannot see what I say. I resolve this by logging out and back in again.

Can someone please advise me on this.

Many thanks.
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Staff member
Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling the program? I don't think it has been updated in years. I think there are other programs out there that will allow you to converse through yahoo and other clients. Trillian comes to mind I think.


Master of Turning Things Off and Back On Again
Staff member
Yahoo messenger has always sucked and had issues. So it doesn't surprise me that logging out and back in fixes the issue.


I have taken your advice and uninstalled Yahoo Messenger and uploaded Trillian, I can see my contacts and they see me.
So heres hoping.
Thanks for your advice.