Battlefield 3 Thread

@Ankur the only thing i can suggest is closeing the programme and starting it again. I have had this a few times, usually atleast once a day :p

I beleive dice are supposed to be sorting it out in a patch, so hopefully it should be sorted in the next few weeks.
I had heaps of troubles with stability. For anyone with 4 or 5 series femi cards, up the core voltage.
I played 10-15 hours of multiplayer since installation.

I am playing on the asian servers, I wish I had bought this on release date. Those guys have thoroughly learnt the game lol.

Taking about jets, I am able to fly it nicely. But I am still learning to aim the cannon, mg whatever while chasing a plane. Its hard to shoot down planes.

BTW add me on origin :emfader, xfire: mremfader
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you have to aim a fair bit in front of the plane your chasing, i find using the cannons difficult as unless you are right on their tale i find you have to anticipate there flight path.
The stability issues are all over the net. I was referring more to the higher end cards too.

Of the people I play with, 3 of us are on 500 series cards, 1 on 400 and not one of us has had stability issues at all. I would tend to agree with JLuchinski, maybe it is an SLI issue.

You can't really say it is the games fault when most are running fine on their cards - the very same cards that you are trying to say have stability issues. It is more likely to be a problem with your system rather than the game, be it an SLI issue or you have a setting wrong.

The only problem I have come across was a couple of days back where I kept getting disconnected from servers. Turns out I had to turn off some settings in my router and it worked - it took all of 5 mins of searching the forums. Apart from that it is minor things, like the occasional green flash mentioned earlier
I just got the occasional green flash today for the first time.

I had so many display driver crashes with my crossfire 6950's. So I tested the game running each card individually with zero issues whatsoever. So AMD and nvidia need to work out the crossfire and sli problems.
Of the people I play with, 3 of us are on 500 series cards, 1 on 400 and not one of us has had stability issues at all. I would tend to agree with JLuchinski, maybe it is an SLI issue.

You can't really say it is the games fault when most are running fine on their cards - the very same cards that you are trying to say have stability issues. It is more likely to be a problem with your system rather than the game, be it an SLI issue or you have a setting wrong.

It would help if you read what I wrote. It would also be wise to understand that 4 people hardly constitutes a sample size worth anything.

Also I am not asking for assitance its fixed. Gone from hard lock-ups every 10-15minutes of BF3 (BF3 only mind you), play to no lock ups in over 10 hours play.

There is no issue with the game, I am referring to the cards, however the BF series is known for its tendency to be picky about any form of overclock or change. I am not OCing at all. I am referring to the fact that default core voltage settings at ~0.9V is insufficient when running the top end Fermis flat out.

The actual point is that no matter what you do, what you reinstall, what setting you make on your computer, nothing will fix this - until you overvolt your cards to 1.1V (1100mV) on the core. I was crashing at stock speeds every 15 minutes. Replaced RAM, updated drivers, reinstalled windows, cleared the mobo CMOS, temps at 45oC on GPU at load, 50oC on CPU at load, more than sufficient power. Nothing at all wrong with my setup.

Take home message, if you are running a sufficient PSU and all other things are set correctly, up the core voltage. I haven't had a crash since doing so and I have played about 10 hours. The stability increase has been instant and 100%.
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I just got the occasional green flash today for the first time.

I had so many display driver crashes with my crossfire 6950's. So I tested the game running each card individually with zero issues whatsoever. So AMD and nvidia need to work out the crossfire and sli problems.

I have the occasional green flash aswell,Im on a single 6950.
For those with little RAM, you can close the browser window once you get a game going. Doesn't save that much, but not that hard to get back in.
It would help if you read what I wrote. It would also be wise to understand that 4 people hardly constitutes a sample size worth anything.

Also I am not asking for assitance its fixed. Gone from hard lock-ups every 10-15minutes of BF3 (BF3 only mind you), play to no lock ups in over 10 hours play.

There is no issue with the game, I am referring to the cards, however the BF series is known for its tendency to be picky about any form of overclock or change. I am not OCing at all. I am referring to the fact that default core voltage settings at ~0.9V is insufficient when running the top end Fermis flat out. bf3.html

The actual point is that no matter what you do, what you reinstall, what setting you make on your computer, nothing will fix this - until you overvolt your cards to 1.1V (1100mV) on the core. I was crashing at stock speeds every 15 minutes. Replaced RAM, updated drivers, reinstalled windows, cleared the mobo CMOS, temps at 45oC on GPU at load, 50oC on CPU at load, more than sufficient power. Nothing at all wrong with my setup.

Take home message, if you are running a sufficient PSU and all other things are set correctly, up the core voltage. I haven't had a crash since doing so and I have played about 10 hours. The stability increase has been instant and 100%.

Yeah when I first got the game I oc'd my CPU and the game was crashing like crazy. Returned to stock and haven't had an issue since. I'm going to try it with my GPU and see if the same thing happens.
^^^ God they really are, unfortunately iv just downloaded deus ex and dirt 3 so i need to try them out before i get back on the wagon with bf3 :p

...The chore of playing video games non stop :p
^^^ God they really are, unfortunately iv just downloaded deus ex and dirt 3 so i need to try them out before i get back on the wagon with bf3 :p

...The chore of playing video games non stop :p

God i hate you man, mainly for the dirt3 and bf3, tried deus ax on onlive and wasn't that good.
im sick of games haha, i have around about 60 under my desk and 10 on steam lol, so around 70 games all in all, out of them i have about 10-20 to complete :p