
jancz3rt said:
Anyway...I would choose to be the president of the world. Muahahhaa! Nah seriously, I would like to be the president of North Korea and open it up to the whole world. I would love to change the tension that exists down there.

i think its harder than be a American :D
if this is ture,i wish you...
i only say:good luck
Pyotr said:
I like British English. I think Americans should talk like that too. :D
my opinion is opposition,idont like British English.
and my dream is be an American life i will achieve it.
:cool: :cool:
how can you not like british english, we invented the whole english language. every english language, be it australian or american, evolved from ours.
elmarcorulz said:
how can you not like british english, we invented the whole english language. every english language, be it australian or american, evolved from ours.

Doesnt matter if you "invented" it or be staright honest with you: BEnglish just sounds gay. Potatooe, get my point

PS: the italians&germans didnt invent cars, but they make the best ones.
I would be President of the US and turn it into a dictatorship :) lol ... and take over the world!!!!!!
elmarcorulz said:
when you say britsish english, anrrow it down, any particular regional dialect. and what exactly makes it "gay"

Not quiet sure wich dialect...i'd say the really deep english and its the deep pronounciation that makes it gay...but its just my opinion

@flip218: Hasnt that like partly already happened??????
Saying a particular form of English is gay is pretty dumb. The British don't think they talk gay. It's like I would say Danish sounds gay because I can't understand it.
Pyotr said:
Saying a particular form of English is gay is pretty dumb. The British don't think they talk gay. It's like I would say Danish sounds gay because I can't understand it.

I never said it is gay. I said it sounds gay....and also the difference is that you may not understand danish, but i understand B-English and i still dont like it. Say whatever you want...there are more people who understand the language and dislike it than like it. And you also cant say that french, or danish, or german sounds gay because most people dont understand it and then obviously it sounds crap to them.
I'd be President of the United States. March would officially be declared Madness Month and a federal holiday.
i'd erase all blacks from the world.


i'd just erase styleprojekt, because i think he talks out of his arse.
p4r4s1t3 said:
i'd erase all blacks from the world.


i'd just erase styleprojekt, because i think he talks out of his arse.

Really...well too bad Stanleys dont rule the world huh. And just because i disliked your macho wanna be tough guy talk you want to erase me?
In the newspapers:


Ian shall be a candidate for USA presidency!
Vote for him!

Do you want te USA to be actually well thought of by strangers???

Do you want people to be HAPPY???

Vote for president IAN!

Yeah, i go with ian, good idea, no offense with americans but the US have done enough trouble as it is. Of course the Americn population shouldn't be offended by me saying this, only their politicians.
Yeah i know, that joke above was gay, but at least i dont do sick jokes like p4r4s1te3... sorry, but i just dont like you!
Switzerland is next on the American hit list :p

We Americans don't want to be liked by other countries, we want other countries to fear and be intimidated by us.
lol ahve your seen the clip of Bush when he went on a presidential visit to Buckingham palace. Bless him, he was so intimidated by the queen, he made so many mistakes and looked really nervous whent he national anthems were playing
xDarkWizardx said:
Switzerland is next on the American hit list :p

We Americans don't want to be liked by other countries, we want other countries to fear and be intimidated by us.

Current status:

We Americans dont want to be liked, and we are doing a good job cause 9 out of 10 countries hate us. We are so proud of treating our allies like shit and we dont give a duck about nobody. We want other countries to fear us, and they do, cause they know that we are preparing the spark to start a 3rd world war/nuclear war. Thank you thank you, no applause please...we dont want you to admire us either....i am so ashamed of my country AND the behavior from our people towards others

written by my american friend Jason.
We treat are ally just fine, I got nothin against Britain.

For those of you who went to high school you will remember that the USA used to leave the rest of the world alone, but those crazy German bastards kept starting wars and those pussy french men kept getting their asses handed to them and begged for our help again and again. Now that we try to help prevent world wars everyone gets pissed at us, including those pussies in France.

I don't know why your making fun of Bush elmarcorulz, did you see that clip where that fag prince dressed up like a nazi. That was cool.
i dont think we want other countries to hate us we just say we do to cover up the fact that they do. the real reason they hate us is because we ignore them, and dont care. our stay out of the mess policy causes way more problems than it solves. the only real time we do anything is if our lifestyle is in stake.