Left 4 Dead 2

I didnt really like L4D1 to be honest. the gameplay is just too fast, it just feels like CS:S with a zombie mod rather than a own game.
and the teammate npc's constantly walk into your line of fire.

I think Dead Space is a much better horror game, hope they make a 2nd one of that one. :)


Well, everything except the Dead Space part. :p

L4D was very fun for a few campaigns, but after that I started to wonder why I was doing the same thing over and over again. The game should have come with twice as many campaigns, three times the weapons, and just overall more variety. It felt like every time I played was a carbon copy of the last, and the thing about "no two games being the same because zombie hordes will come at different times".... well, that was the most ridiculous marketing line of crap I have ever heard. They spun it off as something revolutionary. Which obviously it was not.
I like the vs mode of L4D, to me that's what the game is about. Playing through against the computer just isn't interesting, it's predicable. Playing against 4 people who will work together to screw you over in many new and interesting ways is much more fun :p

Well, everything except the Dead Space part. :p

L4D was very fun for a few campaigns, but after that I started to wonder why I was doing the same thing over and over again. The game should have come with twice as many campaigns, three times the weapons, and just overall more variety. It felt like every time I played was a carbon copy of the last, and the thing about "no two games being the same because zombie hordes will come at different times".... well, that was the most ridiculous marketing line of crap I have ever heard. They spun it off as something revolutionary. Which obviously it was not.

+1, I think they should have put some customisability in there
from what I played in the demo, it seems like a re-hash of the first one, which don't get me wrong was fun, but very repetitive. maybe i'll get it when the price drops, the VS mode is still a lot of fun.
I pre-purchased it which pre-loaded it but now it's pre-loading again... well from 99% this past 5 minutes!

EDIT: 1 second after posting it finished!
Just found out why it was delayed (from the L4D2 forum)

mikeblas: We've found a crashing bug at the last moment.
mikeblas: We think it's fixed, but aren't sure, and are testing.
mikeblas: We'll release the game when we're sure we have a fix.

Mikeblas is a admin or something and this was from the chatroom:good:
ill be playing it in a couple hours when I get home from work, I hope its a good game, I shelled out 44 usd for it
Yep it is awesome, I couldn't play for that long last night 'cus of a blackout but yea it's awesome.

I played through that heavy rain campaign last night and holy crap, is that level bad ass. I mean the sounds the rain makes when you are outside or inside is awesome, and the rain storms man scary stuff.

This game also has improved performance. I am running 1680 x 1050 with everything on high level plus max AA, and I am rocking 80+ fps. I mean it never lagged on me once.

The new director AI is a lot less forgiving as well. This game just got a lot harder. I find that normal in L4D2 is about on par with expert on L4D 1. Not quite as hard as expert on L4D1, but advanced and expert on L4D 2 are both harder than L4D1.

I noticed that the director also seemed to pick on the most injured person. No idea if that was coincidence or that it really does that.