PCI Express for my Barton


New Member
What do you guys think is the BEST PCI express mobo for my Barton?

Surely there is one. I haven't gotten to look much so if you know off hand that would be the shizzy.
AMD boards dont have PCI Express yet. Neither is there a need for PCI express for most people as the PCI bus is still yet to be saturated.
i could have sworn someone told me there was a PCI-E AMD. I assume you're right though.

The reason being me asking this is because I was going to buy a new video card(hence my post about ATI and Nvidia) and I was thinking I should just get a PCI-E mobo. so yeah...i should just go ahead and get the agp? would there be an uber difference in an x800 for my amd and the PCI-E on for the P4s?
'sides even if that had PCI Express for AMD it would be for the A64 line not the A32 line :)
true praetor. so yeah as far as technology goes for the 32bit processors i might as well just go ahead and get agp?
Yeah and realistically there isnt a game out yet that seriously stresses AGP8X yet so you'll be fine! that PCI-x 16 thing is just a buncha marketing mumbo jumbo (for now)
finally someone gave me something i wanted to hear. i have wondered if the PCI-E really made a difference because I thought it was just a technology to sell products. I never found a hard comparision.
Think of the new PCIx as AGP16x but since AGP8x is barely tested.... makes it kinda moot point.
Yeah...I knew that I just wasn't sure if games were coming out soon to push those limits...but i don't see a whole lot surpassing doom 3 for a while and even after that while i don't see why an 6800gt wouldn't run that at least decently.
They could easily begin to surpass Doom3 and in fact with Ultra High Quality mode they've gotten themselves into a completely new ballgame. Dynamic Lighting and shadowing really is quite passe and has been around for a long time. (hell the GF3Tis supported primative dynamic lights).

With the Ultra quality mode, you move away from flat lighting to volumetric lighting and shadowing -- typically something you see with animation and such. Of course for realtime capacity for volumetric fog and haze and such would require an insanely fast system bus/core combination as GPUs simply dont have the horsepower to crunch that kinda stuff out :D
i knew ultra would do that but i'm talking about like as a requirement to make the game look good. know what i mean? running farcry and doom 3 on low setting sucks and with my flat panel i'd like to kick in some 1280 x 1024 res because it's my native. so yeah, that's all i'm looking for. :)
You can run 12x10 on a 6800. What I was talking about couldnt be done with five 6800UEEs because its very CPU intensive (i.e., faster than realtime 3D rendered volumetric environemnts)