Post Your Desktop "Background screenshot"

filip-matijevic said:
i dunno if its legal, cuz you have to patch a windows xp file

yea its legal, but everybody already knows about it prolly, are you talkin about the uxtheme patcher?
*Updated again...

another update from em, and yes, jan you may recognise the background, that cos i stole the green version of it from your site and then fiddled with HUE/SATURATION in photoshop, lol, sorry

very nice customization, i'd like to see how your windows look like. i was always impressed with linux distros, however i was never able to properly use it.
Thanks computerhakk. That's one of the reasons that I believe at the current time, it will be impossible for linux to overtake windows on the desktop. In order to be efficient, you have to learn a lot(Which is something most people would rather not do).

If you need any ebooks on linux or anything else, PM me. I'm always willing to help out a fellow computer enthusiast :) .
georgi0u said:

i used to have that background. made it on photoshop, easy.

superfreak: get rid of aim triton its a terrible program and starts all these aolsoftware.exe tasks in the backgroudn.
wow, what is your screen size. you have a gazillion icons.

i guess people prefer it to be organized on the desktop then on somewhere else like the start menu. but nice customization georgi0u