Price drop on PS3


New Member
I just cant believe it, Its happening. Sony just drop the playstation 3 by a 100 USD/110 canadian. Tho this only apply to north america region. If u r looking for a ps3 I think now is ur chance to finally own it. Also we be getting a 80g motorstorm bundle in replacement for the 60g at augest. game on every one :eek:. Damn I just bought it a little over a weeks ago before they announce this crap.
its about time they did aswell...they are overpriced and even though they havnt come down in price here in the uk much yet i hope they will.

I want the new GTA on Ps3 :)
Ah that sucks for you lloll

Glad it's dropping. I wanna get one so badly!

ohh i know,but uk is one big rippoff so it probably wont go down in price that much for another year:(

unless some new console comes out and wipes the floor with the Ps3.
Interesting, I bought one when they were full priced and if I didn't have one now. I still doubt I would buy it.
Interesting, I bought one when they were full priced and if I didn't have one now. I still doubt I would buy it.

Huh? That sentence makes no sense. You own a PS3 but doubt that you would buy one? :).

Anyway, I'm really happy about the price drop. My guess would be that us Brits will be seeing the 60GB model for £349 very soon.
Meh. I'm not interested in the PS3 at all. Even if it was given to me free, I'd find a way to trade it away as quickly as possible. The technology is too pointless to me, and to the average user who might still have a CRT analog TV. Good for them, though. They're starting to smarten up.
Anyway, I'm really happy about the price drop. My guess would be that us Brits will be seeing the 60GB model for £349 very soon.

That would be great if they reduced it to that....thats around the price i paid for the Ps2 when i it was brand new and just released.
got loads of games with it though like a bundle.
A tad bit off topic but since the PS3 is BlueRay capable, aren't the game disks' capacity much greater than that of the 360? Or are the PS3 games still DVD-DL's?
PS3 games are BluRay. I don't know the answer to your other question, though.

Blueray will be awesome because they can hold 25GB on a single-layer DVD disc and 50GB on a dual-layer DVD disk

so game developers can make games bigger with larger maps and more of a world you could explore without limits like for example in games such as Grand theft auto etc.
Blueray will be awesome because they can hold 25GB on a single-layer DVD disc and 50GB on a dual-layer DVD disk

so game developers can make games bigger with larger maps and more of a world you could explore without limits like for example in games such as Grand theft auto etc.

You're absolutely right. A lot of people are complaining about Blu-ray being useless but then i'm sure they'd be even more pissed if their games were being dumbed down due to a lack of space. I personally see Blu-ray as the PS3's main advantage over other consoles, purely because of the reasons you stated.
Yeah, that's what I was thinking... I also ran across this when doing some reading:

Sony and Company's next-generation disc format has yet to see the light of day in its final form, but the pure technology behind the format is immensely promising from both a gaming and general entertainment standpoint. We're talking 50GB+ of storage space here, more than 5x the space than the 360's DVD format can muster.

More storage space means more room for content that helps widen the possibilities of the PS3's power. Who needs a next-gen system if you run out of content space on your media (and keep in mind, Microsoft has no plans to incorporate HD-DVD or anything like it)?...... In short, the PlayStation 3 will have the most advanced storage medium of any game system on the planet.
Huh? That sentence makes no sense. You own a PS3 but doubt that you would buy one? :).

Anyway, I'm really happy about the price drop. My guess would be that us Brits will be seeing the 60GB model for £349 very soon.

I said:

Interesting, I bought one when they were full priced and if I didn't have one now. I still doubt I would buy it.

I bought one when they were full priced, and if I didn't have one now,(I originally put a . when I meant to put a ,) I still doubt I would buy it. As in I wouldn't buy one now with the price drop.

And analysts are predicting that the Xbox 360 will soon drop in price.
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I just cant believe it, Its happening. Sony just drop the playstation 3 by a 100 USD/110 canadian. Tho this only apply to north america region. If u r looking for a ps3 I think now is ur chance to finally own it. Also we be getting a 80g motorstorm bundle in replacement for the 60g at augest. game on every one :eek:. Damn I just bought it a little over a weeks ago before they announce this crap.

yeah i expected that to happen, did sony think they will get us poor chaps to buy their black box, no way