Show off your speed

From my home's wireless network, not my college apartment.


Glad I moved out...

In comparison:

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This was measured at around 9:30 PM, which means other people are using the connection quite heavily. This is probably the slowest it's been so far, usually it's around 40Mb/s on both the download and upload.
word of advice, change your ISP. Tiscali were terrible when i was with them their 'unlimited' was crap they just switched my internet off in peak times. Switch to someone else fast :D

would if we could

contract -.-

we have had so many problems with them... we basically have to ring them every two months to fix a problem... they're even more ...(dont swear)... ahem... TERRIBLE now since talktalk took them over... and i think AOL have taken talk talk over too... says it all really
I would test a dial up connection, but this lappy dont have a RJ11 port on it. lol.

And this connection is more stable than my home connection, but a lot slower.