What do you expect from windows 7


VIP Member
idk, i would like to have a bsod red :p but it would be nice if they scratch windows and start fresh like they were trying to do with vista.


Master of Turning Things Off and Back On Again
Staff member
I'm hoping for a more stable first release. Vista was plagued wayyy to much with issues. Hopefully it won't have 5 million different versions either (Like Vista with basic, premium, ultimate, business, etc.) :p

I just look for simple to use OS's that are customizable or easily customizable through alternative methods. Maybe they'll throw in the works suite for free. (At least Word, Powerpoint, and Excel)


Active Member
i want windows 7 not to be stupid like Vista..lol am kidding,
but the environment needs to be backwards compatible, meaning can run EXE's that were created in the 1998 days..

as for the look, well they should put a dock.. i know once they do this Apple will go haywire