Your Computer's Name

is there a name windows wont accept? maybe a reserved word used by windows or something like environment variables or scripts
depends if i'm mad at it. then it's stupid f@$#!!* piece of @$#@!!

Hmmm, when I'm mad I call it obscene names. Other then that, nothing. Maybe, "compy", or "drug."

right... when you people are mad at the pc, you go to the network settings and change the network name there? jeez.. weird way of expressing your anger. :p

anyway, my pc is called Klamath :)
SFR do you ever get confused?

Short Answer: No.

Long Answer: It is very easy to remember... My three workstations are physically from left to right: WS1, WS2 and WS3. The two rack-mounted servers (though they are not actually mounted in a rack..instead just sitting on seperate shelves) are physically from top to bottom: S1 and then S2. S3 is underneath S1 and S2, to the right of my keyboard and mouse. Very easy to remember; not so easy to explain with words :rolleyes: ...
Short Answer: No.

Long Answer: It is very easy to remember... My three workstations are physically from left to right: WS1, WS2 and WS3. The two rack-mounted servers (though they are not actually mounted in a rack..instead just sitting on seperate shelves) are physically from top to bottom: S1 and then S2. S3 is underneath S1 and S2, to the right of my keyboard and mouse. Very easy to remember; not so easy to explain with words :rolleyes: ...

I like making systems like that. I know what's going on very easy, but keeps other people guessing... :p everything else. I should rename it to pc that never works right. Why does win xp give kitchen computer as an example? Who has a computer in their kitchen?
work group = Valhalla

open directory master = Odin

Workstations = Thor, Loki, Baldur

SSID = No Pants (i wasn't wearing any pants when I originally set it up)

Share points = Pub
Mine is called Lee, my laptop is Anthony (my dad, because he uses it most) and my other desktop is called aaron, my brothers name
Mine is called Cindy the Sandy, well just Cindy for short. ;)
Network ID is The Boss since I am the only one in the family who does anything to the comps.
How can you change your computer name?

Go to start, control pannel, then performance and maintenance, then to system, to the computer name tab, then finally click the change button, although i get the idea that some people here are talking more about when their computer isn't working and they're shouting at it.