Your opinion on pirating windows

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Windows 7 beta has been t.o0rented, but I will never download that. We are going to Detroit on January 22nd to get a $99 windows 7 beta 1 dvd. It's just not the same as buying it if you download it.

Why on earth would you want to run a Windows Beta OS? I have a copy of every release beta from my MSDN subscription at work, and they all suck compared to real OSes.
My thoughts:
I don't illegally download anything. I have a personal conviction that pirating is stealing--whatever it is. From Windows to a song, it's wrong. Have I always been perfect? No. Every once in a while I'll scan through my iTunes library and see something that I borrowed from a friend but forgot to delete--it's a good reminder to keep vigilant.

Another thought. Consider Adobe CS. Why do you think that it costs so much? Yes, it's true. People pirate it because it is so expensive, and then try and explain it away, saying that if Adobe didn't charge so much they would buy it. And, I can imagine, there are people out there that would, however, I have reason to believe that it's not a problem of numbers, but rather concept.

People that pirate are their own problem--to a certain extent, the reason certain software or music costs so much is that people pirate it. In reality, when you pirate, you are forcing the price to go up--companies have to make money, and in order to do that, they need to sell their product. It would be nice if everyone paid--then the per item cost would be lower. However, those who illegally download are forcing the people who legally purchase content to pay for their share as well.
I thnk pirating is wrong. I used to copy games when they had no copy protection, but we never sold them. EVER. And after being a victim of someone selling, I know I never will. I also will not copy games anymore. What I do now is just copy the game disk since my older brother and I ussaully buy the games together, and I think it is just fine
Personally, I'm not against pirating in certain situations I suppose. But I've generally just used it to try out things. If I like a companies product, I'm more apt to pay for things that company makes in the future because I know they do quality work.

I've bought alot of programs from a bunch of different places because most are reasonably priced(like Windowblinds for example). Some however are begging to be pirated because of their outrageous prices. I mean, $700 for Photoshop? Really?

Windows itself is a little high, but generally not TOO outrageous.

Bottom line, make a good product and you'll get my money.
In many countries piracy is normal. I am against it. I think it's about principles and priorities. We are talking about poverty... but from one point forward it's not about lack of money, but on what you would like to spend your money. So pirating software gives you opportunity to spend more money on what you want.
i personally don't take the risk of pirating because i have a family, so i do everything i can to not risk going to jail.

but i can understand it in some situations.
a friend of mine was unable to work for 2 years because of a knee injury. his computer messed up and he didn't get a windows cd when he first bought his computer. he had 2 kids, was getting $400 or so on food stamps and i think $250 from 'welfare'. both kids were in diapers, and all their pictures were digital pictures. in that case, i understand his reasoning for pirating windows. but, he did the right thing when he went back to work and bought a legit copy.

and i know alot of people that will download songs from a new cd and listen to them before actually going out and spending the money on it only to find out the cd sucked.
same thing goes for windows. why shell out $400 on a OS that doesn't work right or that you don't like, and then not be able to get your money back?

i'm not saying pirating is right. but in some cases, i can understand it. granted that you do the right thing in the end and pay what is owed when you're able to.
why shell out $400 on a OS that doesn't work right or that you don't like, and then not be able to get your money back?

i'm not saying pirating is right. but in some cases, i can understand it. granted that you do the right thing in the end and pay what is owed when you're able to.

That's why Microsoft offers up to 120 day-free trial on Vista.
That's why Microsoft offers up to 120 day-free trial on Vista.

didn't know they had bumped it up to 120. i know with xp it was 30.
well, that's not too bad of a trial then i guess.
i do think that if the price wasn't quite so high, people would be more willing to buy it, regardless of the incompatibility issues that it is known for.
especially considering how long they have been working on vista. by the time it was released it should have been dang near flawless.
I think if you bought windows Vista you have every right to windows 7 for free because as Ballmer clearly said windows 7 "IS" vista, but better. So that means that they could easily give you a free fix to your software in a download sort of like a service pack. But instead windows will charge you to make your software work correctly liket hey did with windows 95 and 98, and ME and XP. Basically, the lesson is is to say **** it to every other version of windows and wait for the fixed one to come out. Microsoft just ****s people over for money everytime they turn around, that's why they make money.

Honestly, if I have to pay for windows 7 I'll either just keep vista or possibly do something I'd really hate to do to obtain it >.> Windows 7 should be given to me and everyone else who bought Vista as an apology.
"Why on earth would you want to run a Windows Beta OS? I have a copy of every release beta from my MSDN subscription at work, and they all suck compared to real OSes." nooo lol, I will never open the DVD. I will save it, there are no known for sale Windows 95 Chicago beta CD's left for sale. A windows 7 beta will be worth a fortune in a few decades.
without pirating there would be no DRM, fewer console only games, and I believe devs would put more time into making better software. We as consumers have dug quite a hole fore ourselves

One could argue though...why cater to pirates? Most of them wouldn't even pay to play the game anyways. They just download it because they can.

A lot of companies that don't invest in DRM make a lot of money per title they release because they know stopping pirates wont work + they wont even buy the game with perfect DRM.

They still make their paper and keep the customer happy.
Why is this even a Thread? And for that matter, how did it get to be 8 pages?

Black and white; legal or not. Period. Our coffee-talk is a moot point.
I think if you bought windows Vista you have every right to windows 7 for free because as Ballmer clearly said windows 7 "IS" vista, but better. So that means that they could easily give you a free fix to your software in a download sort of like a service pack. But instead windows will charge you to make your software work correctly liket hey did with windows 95 and 98, and ME and XP. Basically, the lesson is is to say **** it to every other version of windows and wait for the fixed one to come out. Microsoft just ****s people over for money everytime they turn around, that's why they make money.

Honestly, if I have to pay for windows 7 I'll either just keep vista or possibly do something I'd really hate to do to obtain it >.> Windows 7 should be given to me and everyone else who bought Vista as an apology.

Watch your language!

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i will be the first to admit that piracy is like pandoras box for me. and apparently a lot of other people too considering i just saw a statistic saying 1,000,000 copies of spore were bought legitimately, and 400,000 were pirated. the only downside of getting things for free that i can think of is that someone behind the game/song/movie/software sweat blood to ensure you were able to enjoy it as much as you do. as a result this person might not get the compensation they deserve for their efforts, and ultimately might become disgruntled and stop making things for you to download altogether. it is already starting to happen to PC games. the market is slowly dying off and one day new PC games might be a rarity.

human nature isn't going anywhere, so as long as people have the means to do it, it is going to be done. and the means will always be there, because for every brilliant mind that thinks of a new way to make it harder for you to pirate the latest game, there are 40 equally brilliant minds that don't want to pay for said game. some companies like EA and microsoft are so disgustingly massive that i don't think any amount of piracy short of 100% would slow them down at all, but smaller more indie games are definitely hurting.

i've gone way off topic as i usually do. pirating windows is bad, and illegal, but microsoft could go the next 500 years without making a cent and still have enough money to give each high level executive a 20 million a year allowance for hookers and lap dances.


very good. your being honest.
i would also like to say many want it and many are not willing to pay. then again unless your making a sheet load of money, why would you buy anything when you can get for free. the sources are there, just not here. worse is you won't use it. mostly..... this is the case.

Satellite tv, movies, operating systems and mostly programs. Operating systems, ummm, from what ive seen in the past (do not take updates).its easier to get a corp release. or mostly you better not or will be shut down. they are clever ya know. Hackers are in it for the challenge, very private and bored. they like symbolic debugging, macro assemblers and proggies like softice and periscope. geeks like to figure out what there talking about and enjoy the challenge of how to do it and what they are talking about in the first place. (get it working, its the challenge. sometime ya have to jump through hoops with some proggie professional software). will they use it. they will download everything in its path and use very little. to much work, no manuals or little documentation and not enough time in a day. its the challenge. they will always be around. you won't change it.

interesting people though. gut level.

they do not do anything else. they don't watch tv, computers is all they do.
Ok, I believe that this thread has been allowed to run its course, and pirating is illegal and against forums rules. 'Nuff said, thread closed.

I do agree with Kewl though Windows 7 should be offered to Vista users for Free or atleast a smaller price than what it is going to be on the high street.
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