FREE Upgrade to windows 7?


Active Member
Apparently Microsoft are going to give FREE upgrades of windows 7 to all the people that are going to buy a windows vista PC until 2010..

Here is the link on more.

I think its pathetic tbh they should give all users with windows vista a free upgrade.
I guess if they want to do this they can. They probably think after the vista flop that they have to give out free upgrades just so that people will use windows 7 I have heard from a few buddies who have tested windows 7 that it is WAY better than vista and everyone should go for it.
that only applies actual machines purchased most likely, not OEMs or system builders versions.

In any case, almost all companies do this. If you buy a PC now knowing that the new version of the OS is around the corner they give you a free voucher to upgrade, that way people don't wait 6 months to buy a new PC.

It is a marketing tool that will keep sales steady.
Whoever says Vista is a pile of crap and windows 7 is awesome is a hypocrite. Yeah windows 7 is better, but it's not night and day difference by any means.
Windows 7 is quite a bit better than Vista and, either way, we can't really make judgments about Windows 7 now as it's only in the beta stages at the moment.
Whoever says Vista is a pile of crap and windows 7 is awesome is a hypocrite. Yeah windows 7 is better, but it's not night and day difference by any means.

Yeah I had this long discussion a month or two ago with an engineer from Apple who as visiting us. One of his really good friends is an engineer at Microsoft, mainly the server side OS coding, but they both kind of have similar jobs but one at Apple and one at MS.

He was saying that Vista was headed by the 80/20 approach. Meaning that 80% of the new features and updates that are under the hood, or in underlying technologies either being utilized or not utilized just yet, and only 20% into the end user experience, which can be summed up by the eye candy add ons.

So, what Windows 7 will be, is taking advantage of those existing underlying technologies that either were barely or not utilized in Vista, which the average user will have no idea that they are even being utilized, and the rest of it will be done with bug working and tweaking the end user experience.

It will be hard to tell if it is truly worth the upgrade from Vista since a lot of the technologies already exist in Vista but perhaps Win7 just takes better advantage of them, and how much better is yet to be seen since it is in beta.
Yeah I had this long discussion a month or two ago with an engineer from Apple who as visiting us. One of his really good friends is an engineer at Microsoft, mainly the server side OS coding, but they both kind of have similar jobs but one at Apple and one at MS.

He was saying that Vista was headed by the 80/20 approach. Meaning that 80% of the new features and updates that are under the hood, or in underlying technologies either being utilized or not utilized just yet, and only 20% into the end user experience, which can be summed up by the eye candy add ons.

So, what Windows 7 will be, is taking advantage of those existing underlying technologies that either were barely or not utilized in Vista, which the average user will have no idea that they are even being utilized, and the rest of it will be done with bug working and tweaking the end user experience.

It will be hard to tell if it is truly worth the upgrade from Vista since a lot of the technologies already exist in Vista but perhaps Win7 just takes better advantage of them, and how much better is yet to be seen since it is in beta.

I don't get it... you mean they spent most of the time under the hood and then later just kinda slapped the eye candy on top?
I don't get it... you mean they spent most of the time under the hood and then later just kinda slapped the eye candy on top?

If you read the white pages for Vista tech docs you will see that almost all of the improvements form XP to Vista are all under the hood improvements. Things the end user will never notice. SMB 2, 64bit memory addressing, better POSIX permissions and security, encrypted file system support, so on and so forth.

The end user sees Aero, and is like wow, cool eye candy.

The underlying technologies in Vista are not drastically changed in Windows 7, they are just tweaked and some of the interface features are tweaked to make the end user experience better.

Non technical translation:
Its nothing new, just reshaping the wheel or improving it so to speak. Which is why I think they are going to feature limit the hell out of windows 7, with home and professional and then the additional upgrade of ultimate
Yeah I have heard that there is no night or day differences with the look between 7 and vista but that the differences come with the stability, reliability and security
Yeah I had this long discussion a month or two ago with an engineer from Apple who as visiting us. One of his really good friends is an engineer at Microsoft, mainly the server side OS coding, but they both kind of have similar jobs but one at Apple and one at MS.

He was saying that Vista was headed by the 80/20 approach. Meaning that 80% of the new features and updates that are under the hood, or in underlying technologies either being utilized or not utilized just yet, and only 20% into the end user experience, which can be summed up by the eye candy add ons.

So, what Windows 7 will be, is taking advantage of those existing underlying technologies that either were barely or not utilized in Vista, which the average user will have no idea that they are even being utilized, and the rest of it will be done with bug working and tweaking the end user experience.

It will be hard to tell if it is truly worth the upgrade from Vista since a lot of the technologies already exist in Vista but perhaps Win7 just takes better advantage of them, and how much better is yet to be seen since it is in beta.

You are exactly right, I'm finding a few things that are being pushed more into the view of the user, that were in Vista, just not a lot of people knew about it. Other things were introduced in Vista but not really used, where in 7 they are much more prominent and more embedded into the experience. Other than that, a lot of things that were introduced in Vista are tweaked and work better for the most part.