/g/ 's attack on AMD


New Member
Hey, thought this fit here best, sorry if it doesn't though...
/g/ was mocking AMD owners and was talking about what attention whores they are.... I use AMD myself but I tend not to mention it...its just what I use. Where did they get these ideas? Does this hold true as far as you've seen? I just happen to like AMD and was wondering what was so wrong with it....
??? whats a /g/?

4chans technology section

I assume they are just talking about AMD fanboys that tout that AMD is better in price/performance. I dunno the exact topic he is referring to so this is just an assumption.
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Really? Its a bit intense over there lol, here atleast there appears to be some sort of respect between the two...

Whenever someone proposes an AMD build, it seems like they always get attacked. Nothing like 4chan, of course, but even here that company gets a bad rap, even though the Phenom II chips are pretty tight.
Whenever someone proposes an AMD build, it seems like they always get attacked. Nothing like 4chan, of course, but even here that company gets a bad rap, even though the Phenom II chips are pretty tight.
yeah, cus as far as I can tell personally, they aren't a bad product... I don't know enough(yet ;) ) to say how close they are in quality, if they are at all but they work for me.
No offense but AMD users do tend to talk about how Intel's quad is not a true quad. And how their old Athlon 3800+ competes with a Core 2 Duo. I get tired of hearing it so I kill the conversation with "<noun> <verb> multi-core application..."
No offense but AMD users do tend to talk about how Intel's quad is not a true quad. And how their old Athlon 3800+ competes with a Core 2 Duo. I get tired of hearing it so I kill the conversation with "<noun> <verb> multi-core application..."

lol. Intel's lineup is better across the board. There's no doubt about that. Still, though, some Intel users try to paint AMD like their chips are a POS when some aren't necessarily bad buy. You know what I mean? It goes both ways I guess.
lol. Intel's lineup is better across the board. There's no doubt about that. Still, though, some Intel users try to paint AMD like their chips are a POS when some aren't necessarily bad buy. You know what I mean? It goes both ways I guess.

I've always been an Intel guy, I've never owned an AMD chip. It all depends on what you're doing and whether you like price:performance ratios.
Its all got to do with being spanked. When AMD released the Athlon XP, they had Intel beat clock for clock, and it lasted all the way through to the Athlon 64 AM2. So Intel guys got spanked really hard for 5 years. Intel finally realeased the Core 2, Beat AMD clock for clock. Then came the first 00 series Phenom, flop!

This finally give the Intel guys something to rag AMD about. Which is kinda weird, because AMD didnt make Intel sell P4s or was not holding Intel back from making a better processor or they did not strong arm people into buying a P4.

People just flocked back to Intel after they sold the public crap processors for 5 years. Instead of not buying a product from a company that screwed them for 5 years. So they vent there anger at the other company that had nothing to do with it.

Intel guys are like being mad at the world because your wife is cheating on you and you took her back.
personally, i think they both have their places in the home, because i'm not putting a 130 watt quad core into a media server, i'm gunna go for the 45 watt amd dual core :p
im seriously considering phenom II socket am3 for my next build with dual 4890's on a tripple water cooling loop!

competition might start to get close once amd start stepping up there game, 1st phenoms didnt compare to intel but the new phenom II's look tasty
Ill agree there are places for amd,and places for intel.The price to performance ratio is better than intels socket 775 lineup for quads right now, and i imagine the next generation of phenoms will compete directly with core i7, i am not really a fanboy of either make, ive built rigs with both intel and amd, and my next rig whenever i built another will more than likely be an amd rig(will be awhile tho since i only built this quad rig ~1yr ago).
I use what ever gets the job done at the moment.
I used AMD for a few years and now I'll use Intel for a while.
I just built a phenom rig for someone.
And don't rely on tech info off of 4chan it's probaly just people attempting to troll eachother.
I've built a few budget rigs with AMD X2 procs. Whenever I'm looking to build something for my family, something for the average user, I always look to AMD first. They're great chips for internet browsing, simple apps, and if you're not a multitasker. Even if you are multitasking and using processor intensive apps, the Phenom II lineup is awesome and affordable.

No one should bash AMD, if, for no other reason, because they provide competition. Without AMD, Intel would price rape us and we wouldn't have as much innovation in the market.
No one should bash AMD, if, for no other reason, because they provide competition. Without AMD, Intel would price rape us and we wouldn't have as much innovation in the market.

Exactly, that goes for alot of other companys as well.