/g/ 's attack on AMD

AMD has certainly had their failures, but it's important to recognize their accomplishments as well, those that StrangleHold pointed out. They were on top for years, and too quickly, due to Intel's Core 2 Duo/Quad lineup, and their following products, people left the AMD camp and started straight up disrespecting the company. It's good to point out weaknesses and whatnot, but we should all remember who brought forth the first desktop dual core chip and set a precedent with this technology. It's also worth mentioning that AMD is the first company to introduce a memory controller within a CPU to mainstream desktop setups; something that Intel is finally getting around to. ;)

we love you mike.

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seems to me what really screwed amd over was the core 2 quad, because it cost about half the price for their enthusiest setup(qx6700, badaxe 2) where amd's quad equivalent was a pair of fx-74's($999 each) and the dual socket board(still around, $350)
where amd's quad equivalent was a pair of fx-74's($999 each) and the dual socket board(still around, $350)

That was a huge mistake, but skulltrail is a joke as well. A top of the line skulltrail setup w/ CPUs and mobo is 3500 lmao, not to mention the rest of the costs. You could get a few x3xxx chips for that setup, but what's the point besides e penis? :rolleyes:

That's old news anyway since phenom II is available. :)
Intel has to use AMD patents for X86-64, Intergrated Memory Controller, Multi core configuration. When its released CPU+GPU product on a single die patent. I guess Intel got so embarrassed they had to come up with Quickpath Interconnect and not use Hypertransport, because it was looking like Intel was just making AMD processors.
Intel has to use AMD patents for X86-64, Intergrated Memory Controller, Multi core configuration. When its released CPU+GPU product on a single die patent. I guess Intel got so embarrassed they had to come up with Quickpath Interconnect and not use Hypertransport, because it was looking like Intel was just making AMD processors.

Thank you sir. Those two technologies (hypertransport/Quickpath) are virtually the same.
INTEL FTW... but seriously, coming from the Intel Man,

buy the Phenom II's. They're worth it if you can't go for the i7's. :D
Intel has to use AMD patents for X86-64, Intergrated Memory Controller, Multi core configuration. When its released CPU+GPU product on a single die patent. I guess Intel got so embarrassed they had to come up with Quickpath Interconnect and not use Hypertransport, because it was looking like Intel was just making AMD processors.

Typically how it goes - AMD releases the primo innovation and works out the bugs, Intel glues shit together, then steals the stuff AMD had to work out the bugs on and take shit for, and releases it a bit later with a higher price tag and higher clocks and less investment on their behalf.
I admit the first 00 series Phenom should have never been released. I would just have took another hit and delayed the Phenom again and waited for the 50 series.

AMD just got caught with there pants down. They had the P4 beat clock for clock at about 800mhz in general. Dont think they ever dreamed Intel would come back as strong as they did. The Phenom had the Athlon beat clock for clock so I think they thought they were safe.

Then they test the Core 2 ( beats the Phenom, what the hell) to far along in the core development of the Phenom to turn back. At the last minute tries to speed the core up ( bingo, get a TLB bug in the L3) Releases it anyway.

AMD should have just released a dual, dual as a quad like Intel did and tweaked the Phenom some more before the release. They would have still had the first monolith quad core because it took Intel another 2 years. Hector Ruiz should have been fired!
AMD should have just released a dual, dual as a quad like Intel did and tweaked the Phenom some more before the release. They would have still had the first monolith quad core because it took Intel another 2 years. Hector Ruiz should have been fired!

Right, this idea that Intel does not have a true quad and AMD does is poor marketing. All consumers care about is performance, and although Intel simply stacked two duals together and AMD went with four single cores is insignificant. It's cleaner engineering on AMD's behalf, but doesn't really matter in the end. Performance is king. AMD deserves credit for competitively pricing the Phenom II the way they did, though. Guess they didn't have any choice.
I would have done the Dual X2 brisbane, bumped up the L2, it was already hitting 3.2ghz. Scraped the Phenom 00 series. Released the Phenom 50 series as a low cost lower mhz true monolith. Then later hit them with the Phenom II were it hurts.
I would have done the Dual X2 brisbane, bumped up the L2, it was already hitting 3.2ghz. Scraped the Phenom 00 series. Released the Phenom 50 series as a low cost lower mhz true monolith. Then later hit them with the Phenom II were it hurts.

AMD made a number of bad moves. It's only temporary and they're regaining momentum. Intel will be releasing 32nm desktop chips next year, so they better be on the ball. Intel is still running with full steam. :cool:
Yeah, I think AMD has got it back under control now. Dont really know how much dropping from 45 to 32nm. going to do as far as performance. AMD had a better core at 90nm. then Intels first 65nm. Where it will hurt is manufacturing cost, more cores on a wafer. But AMD with the new Globalfoundries deal and billions of arab dollars:cool:. Man this could start a nm. war!