Want To Play WoW


Active Member
I found out how to recruit people who want to play WoW, and when they sign up under my pass, their character and mine receive 3 times the experience when playing together, thus leveling faster, it lasts for 3 months or when you hit 60 and goes to normal. Everyone probably knows about this, but I figured I'd ask around and see if anyone wants to play, since I'm looking at creating a secondary account, why not level it faster.

You can download the free 10 day WoW trial if you've never played.
You left out, if the person you recruit gets a month subscription, so do you:p
Also you get the Zevhra mount.
Lmao, well that's good. Hmm... now I have to find 80$ somewhere :p

nah, he will 'recruit' you, that is, you give him your e-mail. Then he will put that into the recruit-a-friend thingo, wow will send you a 10 day trial CD key and you use that after you have installed wow (there is a link on their website).

But if you do buy the DVD, don't use the key they give you, use the key you get in the e-mail from the recruit a friend first.
nah, he will 'recruit' you, that is, you give him your e-mail. Then he will put that into the recruit-a-friend thingo, wow will send you a 10 day trial CD key and you use that after you have installed wow (there is a link on their website).

But if you do buy the DVD, don't use the key they give you, use the key you get in the e-mail from the recruit a friend first.

What happens after those 10 days?
before you do all this, make sure that you can get on the same servers, so if you are on the eu servers, go to http://www.wow-europe.com/en/index.xml to create your account or if you are in the american servers go to http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/index.xml

you get the idea :)

If you go to different servers you won't be able to play together because the site you use the key on will be the servers you can go on with that account

Yeah, I know, we've been communicating via Steam.
Just so others know, I still have 4 recruit passes, and if you sub under my code, when we train together, we get 3x the experience, so we level fast, and we're not grinding a lot.
That would be fun to have someone to play with the majority of the time. MMOs are most fun when played with a friend or two. I'm counting the days when I'll be able to get back into the MMO scene. I hear a new Starwars MMO is on the horizon. Maybe that'll be my time.
I'd like to do this too, but I'm at an impass...

I have an OLD WoW account that has Burning Crusade on it.
I want to make a new one (I got a free download/month), but I'm confused. Can I take my Burning Crusade software and download it onto my new account with the same key?

And I'll join your little group thing too.
I'd like to do this too, but I'm at an impass...

I have an OLD WoW account that has Burning Crusade on it.
I want to make a new one (I got a free download/month), but I'm confused. Can I take my Burning Crusade software and download it onto my new account with the same key?

And I'll join your little group thing too.

I'm not sure, you can try though.. I can send you a code to your email, then you can create an account and try.
I'd like to do this too, but I'm at an impass...

I have an OLD WoW account that has Burning Crusade on it.
I want to make a new one (I got a free download/month), but I'm confused. Can I take my Burning Crusade software and download it onto my new account with the same key?

And I'll join your little group thing too.

Your actual account has a status of like original WoW, BC, and WotLK. You can download the entire game client for free off the WoW website, but if you only have, say BC, you won't be able to level past 70, make a death knight, etc.
I believe upgrading from BC to WotLK costs $40 if my memory is correct.