Australia, seriously what the hell?

lol.... i guess its not just uk that think up of stupid laws, if these politicians are so bored thay have to think up these things maybe they should go do comunity service or something usefull!

most of these so called politicians are not worth the froth from my urine
Australia has always had retarded censorship laws, but that would seriously make me move if I lived there. That article reads like something outta the Soviet Union too.
lol.... i guess its not just uk that think up of stupid laws, if these politicians are so bored thay have to think up these things maybe they should go do comunity service or something usefull!

most of these so called politicians are not worth the froth from my urine

I bet the UK is next.
lol.... i guess its not just uk that think up of stupid laws, if these politicians are so bored thay have to think up these things maybe they should go do comunity service or something usefull!

most of these so called politicians are not worth the froth from my urine

Yea i believe they also planned something like this for us in the Uk,along with our ISPs wanting to feed adds through to us depending on what we look at the most.....a way of making more money for the ISPs.
The aim of the internet filter, as told by our glorious leader, is to protect children from harmful online content, which according to newspolls is linked to up to 87% of childhood depression
Wow........ O Big Brother, where art thou?
i can feel internet tax coming on, thats the next money making sceme

the goverment will make out that they have to take these messures (police internet) than slap a tax on us to pay for them.....

its happening