How to make Firefox as fast as Chrome?

I know I just mean like faster load times.

have you used chrome before? you will notice the difference in speed between chrome and firefox instantly.
Chrome is a good bit faster then FireFox. I don't know of anyway to make FF faster. I stopped using it a while ago. It just got to slow.
That's pretty awesome. I'd already done the pipelining stuff, but something about the “network.http.keep-alive” thing helped.
just another quick question for you guys

when using firefox, it only has one process firefox.exe (task manager) but when using chrome it has multiplce processes if im doing tabbed browsing so more than 1 chrom.exe process comes up in the task manager, each uses a certain amount of memory, while when tabbed browsing in firefox, when i do tabbed browsing there is only 1 firefox.exe process and it uses more memory. whats better? to have more 1 big firefox.exe process or multiplice chrome.exe process? (assuming that they both equal the same amount of memory usage)
Ive never found a difference in speeds, firefox always seems to load my pages almost instantly even at 25kbps,
anyway, having separate processes for each tab can be slightly unstable and can use up more memory than having one process
Ive never found a difference in speeds, firefox always seems to load my pages almost instantly even at 25kbps,
anyway, having separate processes for each tab can be slightly unstable and can use up more memory than having one process

ahh ok thanks Paul17041993!
I thought chrome's multiple processes was one of it's specific design features in that it allows a tab to crash without bringing the whole browser down. It may use more memory, but isn't it a good thing overall?
Get a faster computer or faster internet.

All the modern browsers are about the same speed. The difference is nill.
Also, on the crash thing last time I checked chrome didn't save your history, where with firefox you get asked if you want to reload what you had.

For loading, firefox and chrome are better at loading certain things, but the difference isnt noticeable unless you have a crappy computer anyways. Also, firefox is more secure.
Get a faster computer or faster internet.

All the modern browsers are about the same speed. The difference is nill.

Dont really agree with you with your last sentence.
I think it cant be compared a IE8 loading for the first time(not being in cache) or opening a tab with for example a firefox opening for the first time or opening tabs..
Has anyone noticed any real advantages to separate processes for tabs? (I think I read somewhere that firefox was going this route as well sometime in the future.)

As for speed, I've found chrome to start slightly faster than firefox, but not enough to really matter. Browsing speed was about the same, but due to ad block plus, firefox was sometimes faster. (I think chrome has ad block plus available now, although I haven't tried it with chrome yet.)
internet explorer is quite horrible for tabbed browsing. not to mention they stole the idea from some other broswer (firefox i think)

Firefox has great addons, Chrome has none at all IIRC. Used chrome for a while. on my old lappy it didn't work with the laptops touchpad, for scrolling anyway.