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yesterday I got a call from one of my mums friends saying their laptop wasn't working, so I went around to have a look. Right from the start, here is what happened (Note the guy is lovely, but not very tech savvy, so what I put is all I know and all he knows):

He called me saying he was on his computer on the internet and a yellow Symantec box came up saying his email could not be decrypted and several more came up, so he restarted, and when he did, it wouldn't boot back into windows.

when I checked it, what happens is it will post then go to a black screen and not boot to windows, as he said. I put my windows xp disc in which I just so happened to take with me in my cd case, and ran repair and it came up with nothing. I bare booted as best as I could with a laptop, I put just 1 stick of memory in and booted, still nothing, put it all back, changed device priority back to HDD from CD drive (you have to have HDD first if it is enabled, stupid bloody Dell design) and amazingly, it booted.

It was up and working fine, how, I don't know, so checked to see if he had norton on there, which he didn't, so I was thinking it was a virus. Other than malwarebytes, he had nothing on there but what comes with windows, so the crap firewall, so I went to install Avast! for him. It downloaded fine, installed very nearly fine, but decided to restart itself. It had an instantaneous BSOD that I only just saw, and then it wouldn't boot into XP again and won't now.

I left it last night running memtest as a just incase, you never know ;) and went back today with no errors, which I wasn't surprised at, but still not booting. I stuck ubuntu in to see if I couldn't see more from there but nothing at all without installing, whichn't really feasable, dual booting on a 60GB hard drive doesn't work.

Short of formatting and starting again, which I don't want to do unless I must, I can;t see anything more I can do. I can't transfer the HDD into my system to use it because it is IDE and I don't have an adapter, otherwise I would try that.

It is a Dell Inspiron 9300, any ideas are more than welcome, because I am stumped
hook up the hard drive to another computer and run virus scan on it???

OR.... since you've already spent so much time trying to fix it you could've had it reformatted by now lol. If you do reformat you'd still be able to back everything up by putting it in another PC first.
hook up the hard drive to another computer and run virus scan on it???

OR.... since you've already spent so much time trying to fix it you could've had it reformatted by now lol. If you do reformat you'd still be able to back everything up by putting it in another PC first.

Like I said in the post, I can't. It is IDE, but isn't standard IDE, most probably because it is made by Dell so they, in their infinite wisdom, decided to get custom ones made, and I don't have an adapter, nor do I know which adapter I dould need.

And the reason I don't want to format isn't a time thing, I could have had it done in half an hour if I really wanted, it is because I can't back it up, if I can atleast get into the system, put it all on my external HDD THEN format, it would be alright, but I can't even do that at the moment
I'm sorry, but I can't believe that the laptop has some special custom hard drive that isn't IDE. I've worked on hundreds of laptops and I've never seen or heard of any special custom hard drive interface. What I'm guessing is that all it has is a small plastic adapter over the IDE connection as do most laptops, and if you pop it off you'd be able to use it with a 2.5" IDE/USB adapter to transfer the data off.
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I'm sorry, but I can't believe that the laptop has some special custom hard drive that isn't IDE. I've worked on hundreds of laptops and I've never seen or heard of any special custom hard drive interface. What I'm guessing is that all it has is a small plastic adapter over the IDE connection as do most laptops, and if you pop it off you'd be able to use it with a 3.5" IDE/USB adapter to transfer the data off.

I know how hard drives work in laptops, yes it is inside the case, I took it out because I was thinking maybe it has an adapter on the back taking it from IDE or SATA to whatever this one is, but it isn't.

=EDIT= (sort of, I hadn't finished typinghte original :p)

I took it out again, having the brainwave that it usually says on the sticker on the hard drive what the interface is, and it is ATA/IDE. What is throwing me off though is the shape

Here is your standard 2.5" IDE:


here is the one from the laptop:


Right, that black piece with the flat pins should come right off. They're normally pretty snug and sometimes I use a small flat head screwdriver to pry them so I don't bend the pins, but it's definitely two pieces. If it helps, the piece that you're pulling off looks like this by itself.
Right, that black piece with the flat pins should come right off. They're normally pretty snug and sometimes I use a small flat head screwdriver to pry them so I don't bend the pins, but it's definitely two pieces. If it helps, the piece that you're pulling off looks like this by itself.

yep it came off :D Now to just find my IDE cable that fits, I have one...somewhere :eek:

One more thing though, the 4 pins that aren't covered which power it, I am not sure that I have the connectors for it on my PSU, will I have to get an adapter for that, or will it spin up and read without it (I am guessing no to the second but, but hoping like hell it will)
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2.5" IDE drives are powered through the 40 pin connector. I believe the other four pins are jumper settings, which are rarely used in 2.5" drives.
2.5" IDE drives are powered through the 40 pin connector. I believe the other four pins are jumper settings, which are rarely used in 2.5" drives.

great, thanks very much for the help.

If I can't find my lead though I will probably just have to format without though, I put it in one of my many boxes of parts, but which one, I can't remember :p
I'm guessing that the four pin connector that you're talking about is a floppy drive power connector? If you don't have one on your current PSU it shouldn't be hard to find an older PSU with one.
I'm guessing that the four pin connector that you're talking about is a floppy drive power connector? If you don't have one on your current PSU it shouldn't be hard to find an older PSU with one.

Yea I have them (I think, they are a different shape I think :confused: ) I have plenty of old spare PSUs kicking about, can use one of them.

Cheers for the help bud, this might not be the last time you hear from this thread though :p