Extend C: Partition in Windows 7

I have windows 7, and the C partition is at the end of the drive. Is there a way I can extend that partition into the space in front of it?
I have windows 7, and the C partition is at the end of the drive. Is there a way I can extend that partition into the space in front of it?

The safest way would be to back all your data, delete the existing partitions, then repartition the disk in whatever manner you see fit. Beyond that, you'll need to use DISKPART. Here's a link to the step-by-step instructions. Again, I would backup any data you don't want to lose before doing any of this. Cheers.
Agreed, the safest way starts by backing up your data. Thereafter, if you have Partition Magic, you can do it without having to delete any partitions. The program is capable of resizing partitions and transfering space from one partition to another. Would note in passing that HDDs do not have constant readspeed. The front part of an HDD has the highest readspeed, and the back part has the lowest readspeed.

For this reason I always put the OS partition as the first partition on the drive, and something like a backup partition, (infrequently used), at the back.
Besides backup if needed. Im using Win 7 Pro.
Goto start
right click computer
Disk Management.

You can shrink either volume if available.
I have two hard drives. The 2nd is for backup, pictures doc files etc.
The primary c: with windows I shrunk the volume with disk management.
I created a 2nd partition on the extended. I wanted to sync the files with a push of the button. I just checked and the option was there two shrink the extended partition or the 2nd hd.

Never the less. Another adventure. Hands down barred none the easiest was Partition Magic and perfectly clear what your doing.

Disk management gave me the option to shrink any of the three drives.
i just checked. Tried then canceled.