Whats your favorite MMORPG?

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Tell me what the best MMORPG is in your opinion. I currently play WoW but its getting pretty old I want to try out some new ones.
Tell me what the best MMORPG is in your opinion. I currently play WoW but its getting pretty old I want to try out some new ones.

Honestly if your gettin tired of WoW, chances are nothing is going to fill the void :(, I've tried. Aion is very pretty and that's about it, LotR is cool I guess but it also lacks, Warhammer online is ok but it lacks as well. I havent tried DC Universe yet. What sucks is WoW is a complete game, it's hard to find places that it falls short. PVE is good again after that WotLK fiasco. PVP isnt fantastic but if your on a PVP server its not quite bad. The story line doesn't get any better in any game IMO, except the Paladin Tauren, I could have done with out but cant knock it because thats my main at the moment. Lol. Is it repetitive sure, but then's when you have to do new things like level a goblin or a troll, or dare I say a Worgen for all you Alliance guys out there. They will take you through a brand new story line. In the end though WoW is going to be for the hardcore player again. It will be good for those who just casually play for awhile but endgame isnt going to be for everyone like it was in Wrath. Epics are harder to come by, Heroics are back to being somewhat serious bizniss lol, and raiding is fun again. :good:
Honestly if your gettin tired of WoW, chances are nothing is going to fill the void :(, I've tried. Aion is very pretty and that's about it, LotR is cool I guess but it also lacks, Warhammer online is ok but it lacks as well. I havent tried DC Universe yet. What sucks is WoW is a complete game, it's hard to find places that it falls short. PVE is good again after that WotLK fiasco. PVP isnt fantastic but if your on a PVP server its not quite bad. The story line doesn't get any better in any game IMO, except the Paladin Tauren, I could have done with out but cant knock it because thats my main at the moment. Lol. Is it repetitive sure, but then's when you have to do new things like level a goblin or a troll, or dare I say a Worgen for all you Alliance guys out there. They will take you through a brand new story line. In the end though WoW is going to be for the hardcore player again. It will be good for those who just casually play for awhile but endgame isnt going to be for everyone like it was in Wrath. Epics are harder to come by, Heroics are back to being somewhat serious bizniss lol, and raiding is fun again. :good:

Yeah, I'm ally..I have an 85 pally and an 85 rogue and tons of alts. Its just not holding my attention anymore. I don't really have anything to look forward to because its SO repetitive running dungeons over and over and over it just gets old after awhile. I have my eye on "Tera Online" Its suppose to come out this year but I have no idea what to do in the mean time. I just have no interest in playing WoW anymore. I want something with a little more creativity. like City of heroes. Does anybody remember that game? The costume creator was so awesome and that was one of the main reason people played it. I mean sure it was lacking alot but you could at least be creative with your look. In wow really the only freedom you have is what class you want to be and what professions you want (which are a PAIN to level) Idk I just hope something new comes out soon.
If you are looking for something new, you'll be hard pressed to find it. Any new mmo coming out is going to hit up a lot of ideas from WoW. Essentially they will be WoW clones. Even though Rift looks like it's going to be really good, it's just so much like WoW, that I think people will like it for a while, but when they get annoyed with the things that aren't the same as WoW that they've become so accustom too, they will grow tired of it.
If you are looking for something new, you'll be hard pressed to find it. Any new mmo coming out is going to hit up a lot of ideas from WoW. Essentially they will be WoW clones. Even though Rift looks like it's going to be really good, it's just so much like WoW, that I think people will like it for a while, but when they get annoyed with the things that aren't the same as WoW that they've become so accustom too, they will grow tired of it.

Have you looked at Tera Online? Its not really like WoW, Its a hack n' Slash MMO you actually get to run around and fight like a real time battle system. it actually requires skill too. and the range classes rely on their aim. It looks really cool I'm for sure gonna try it out when it goes live. but I just want something to do while I wait. even single player games would be fine.
That sounds like Age of Conan? Anyway. Single Player wise, if you haven't played demon souls for ps3...FREAKIN A!!! You need too. If you are thinking PC wise, I really enjoyed Risen.
That sounds like Age of Conan? Anyway. Single Player wise, if you haven't played demon souls for ps3...FREAKIN A!!! You need too. If you are thinking PC wise, I really enjoyed Risen.

Yeah, I'm more of a PC gamer and I don't have a ps3 (xbox360) I'll check out Risen.
Well, I suppose that's fine, but you are really missing out with demon souls. Other suggestions for PC (though I figured you've played or at least heard of them):

Fallout 3
Elder Scolls Oblivion
Mass Effect
Dragon Age
After playing WoW, there really is nothing that can take it's place. WoW had kind of the best of all worlds and so far nothing will beat it. The one game though that I haven't tried and supposively might be better that WoW is "Rift" which is a WoW knock off.
After playing WoW, there really is nothing that can take it's place. WoW had kind of the best of all worlds and so far nothing will beat it. The one game though that I haven't tried and supposively might be better that WoW is "Rift" which is a WoW knock off.

Yeah I applied for the beta for Rift, I really like Tera Online's battle system thought so I'm for sure gonna give that one a try because I'm not really looking for a WoW knock off, at least not completely.
The best MMO I played was called RF Online. It was my first mmo and i enjoyed it a lot. I played that years ago though when I was still in high school. After it died i became an mmo whore and started playing any and every mmo.

Cabal online comes to mind, that was another one of my favorites.

I currently play wow though, even though im bored to death of it as well.

My friend plays DC Universe and wants me to join him to do duos. I probably will because playing games with real life friends is kinda awesome imo.
My friend plays DC Universe and wants me to join him to do duos. I probably will because playing games with real life friends is kinda awesome imo.

Oh yeah I completely agree! Thats prolly the only reason I stuck with WoW for as long as it did. I like playing with REAL friends. I heard DC universe kinda bombed but i'm just going off what I heard. I like superhero games though I played City of Heroes for the longest time and I also played Champions Online (which sucked) but Yeah I'll check out DC Universe. do you know if there is alot of creativity involved? such as costume creator and your class/spec/powers and stuff like that?

EDIT: I just looked at the combat gameplay for DC...and well...it looks so sloppy. the physics look terrible. HUGE lag and sort of choppy. The character creation looks pretty good though.
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Yeah I applied for the beta for Rift, I really like Tera Online's battle system thought so I'm for sure gonna give that one a try because I'm not really looking for a WoW knock off, at least not completely.

Rift is amazing, it is so much better than WoW, even though it is so similar to it

You feel familiar if you play it after playing WoW, but everything about it feels fresh and new, and not the novelty like a new WoW expansion, fresh like a completely original game
Rift is amazing, it is so much better than WoW, even though it is so similar to it

You feel familiar if you play it after playing WoW, but everything about it feels fresh and new, and not the novelty like a new WoW expansion, fresh like a completely original game

Have you been able to play the Beta yet? I signed up for it
EDIT: I just looked at the combat gameplay for DC...and well...it looks so sloppy. the physics look terrible. HUGE lag and sort of choppy. The character creation looks pretty good though.

If you think the character creation looks good for dc universe then you must have been astounded with champion onlines. I stayed in character creation more than the actual game lmao.
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