Strange keyboard problem


New Member

I have an Asus T2-PH1 Barebone system. The problem started right after I bought it, but it was not serious. Sometimes the keyboard was switched off after turning on the machine but after a restart everithing was okay. This happened two or three times in a month.
But now, the problem got serios: the keyboard stays switced on only once during 5 reboots.
When I turn on the machine, the LEDs of the keyboard turn on, and the keyboard is useable for around 30 seconds. After that, nohing is happening when I press any of the keys (incl. numlock, scrlock, capslock), even if I manage to get into the BIOS (so I can not move anywhere or change anything, ctr+alt+del is not working, etc)!
Somehow I managed to install Linux, and I set it to start automatically, so the start-up menu has not to be used. While it starts, it turns back the keyboard. (Maybe it restarts the keyboard controller?) But when I use Windows, the keyboard stays switced off, and it is not useable even if I disable and re-enable it.
I changed my keyboard 5 times through the years, I also used USB and wireless keyboards, but it did not matter: the problem was the same for every one, so the problem is not with the keyboards. (One interesting thing: when I install a new keyboard, PS/2 or USB, it works fine for a couple of days, and after that the problem returns.) When I connected the keyboards to other machines, they worked fine (I have a couple of computers).
What might be the problem? Do you have any suggession?

Thanks for the help in advance,
This is an interesting problem.

You say you have used both PS-2 and USB keyboards. When using the USB keyboards, are you plugging them into the PS-2 port using an adapter, or are you using one of your regular USB ports?

If this happens no matter what port you use, then I'm afraid it might be a BIOS-level problem that might be solved with a firmware upgrade to the motherboard.

If it is PS-2 port specific, then you might have some shoddy connections between the port itself and the motherboard. Best fix would be to not use the port at all.
This happened to me, is the keyboard the only thing that is flickering and going off? It probally is a port... either usb or ps2... im guessing its usb but in my case my PSU crapped out a year later .. I doubt that is the same case with you

Have you ruled out hardware? Running hardware tests?
This is an interesting problem.

You say you have used both PS-2 and USB keyboards. When using the USB keyboards, are you plugging them into the PS-2 port using an adapter, or are you using one of your regular USB ports?

If this happens no matter what port you use, then I'm afraid it might be a BIOS-level problem that might be solved with a firmware upgrade to the motherboard.

If it is PS-2 port specific, then you might have some shoddy connections between the port itself and the motherboard. Best fix would be to not use the port at all.

The problem stands for both PS/2 and USB, I used USB keyboard with every of the USB ports and PS/2 keyboard with the PS/2 port. It is like the keyboard buffer or the keyboard controller is shut down. I will try to update the BIOS firmware to 1009.

This happened to me, is the keyboard the only thing that is flickering and going off? It probally is a port... either usb or ps2... im guessing its usb but in my case my PSU crapped out a year later .. I doubt that is the same case with you

Have you ruled out hardware? Running hardware tests?

The keyboard and the card reader does not work properly, but the card reader has a general problem for this type. The sound card does not work since 1 month, I think the motherboard is slowly dying. But I could put an other sound card in the free PCI slot. Hardware tests say that everything is okay, I ran a couple of them...
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This is s tough one.... Try a power supply tester... I bet your Mobo is failing... I see its a modded motherboard... not sure exactly what you did with it... Is it replaceable?

This is s tough one.... Try a power supply tester... I bet your Mobo is failing... I see its a modded motherboard... not sure exactly what you did with it... Is it replaceable?

The mobo itself is not modded. I put a 12 cm fan on the side of the case and I replaced the original 7 cm fan on the heatsink. So the machine is much more silent and the north bridge is much cooler. This is a barebone system, the mobo should be bought directly from Asus (the form factor is only used in the T2 series), and it would cost (incl. shipping) nearly the half of a new system. I tried also another power supply, which was placed on the top of the case, and the problem did not disappear. That power supply was a Hipro one from an Intellistation. As you said, the problem is with the motherboard... :(