New Kindle Fire

Thought about it for a gift for my niece...but she's 4 and I think it would be a little too difficult for her lol. I've got too many toys I don't need another, but I'll definitely play with the display to see if I would prefer it over my touchpad.

What made you decide to get a fire?
Thought about it for a gift for my niece...but she's 4 and I think it would be a little too difficult for her lol. I've got too many toys I don't need another, but I'll definitely play with the display to see if I would prefer it over my touchpad.

What made you decide to get a fire?

I looked at the Apple I-Pad but just the WiFi cheapest price unit is $500 also I really wanted a smaller foot print, since I have a
I just want to put pictures and written files on a small system that I can carry around.
I sure did not want to pay Apples high prices for a their units that connect to a cell providers Net. work, I can live with my WiFi router very well thank you.

I read Jeff Bezo the CEO of Amazon Intro in my local paper and feel this 7 inch I-Pad is worth trying and at $200 with free shipping from Amazon it is a good deal.
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I just got done looking at this since I just got an email from amazon about it. This thing looks awesome, I may want to buy one now since its in color. I couldn't stand the black and white versions, looked more like 1950 style. And its less than half the cost of the Ipad. Anyone else plan on getting it?
how did you order your fire off ebay ? and do you no how it will work in the uk ,being that it only ment for the us market ie cloud and apps can you please help

I live in the USA and have bought many things from Amazon without any problems. So ordering from them was a good idea I thought.:)

dose one no how the kindle fire with work in the uk ,ie cloud ,apps ,books and all other down loads ,can any help me ,
I know this is a few weeks old, but I pre-ordered two of these this morning for me and my fiancee for Christmas. Comes out tomorrow and it is getting some extremely positive reviews!
I know this is a few weeks old, but I pre-ordered two of these this morning for me and my fiancee for Christmas. Comes out tomorrow and it is getting some extremely positive reviews!

I am waiting for mine to arrive BestBuy got theirs the 15th but the 71st store would not open any for a Demo, the Mid town BestBuy had a special Demo. unit setup but you could not do much with it, except look at the screen.:mad: