

New Member
How many are there? What are their benefits/dissadvantages? Which do you like/use? just wanted to experiment some and also i wanted to try out some of the more difficult ones and look at some of the programming, which leads to my other question, what is a good place to start learning programming. I did look it up some and i think it was saying python was one of the best starter languages. also i know on ubuntu there are several programming programs so are any of those good, and i currently haven't added any new repositories so i know there are more on some others, right? and if there is a good one to use on windows that works too.
There are literally hundreds. I'm personally a Fedora fan, but I also have Arch on an computer I set up for my family. As for programming - I found that out of all distros I've ever tried, Fedora comes with possibly the best selection of development tools on the installation media (at least DVD, I haven't actually tried the CD). However, the development tools are more or less the same across all distros, with slight variance in exact version depending on how stable or cutting edge the distro tends to be, so as long as you have a reasonably good internet connection it doesn't really matter which you pick - just go for the one you "like the most".

Python is a fantastic language to start I hear, though I haven't yet got to it myself. Python (the interpreter) is available on both Windows and Linux. I don't know of any actual "python IDE", but Notepad++ on Windows or gedit/Kate/KWrite on Linux will be just fine for learning, they all have syntax highlighting, auto-indent, bracket matching and other handy features for editing code.
If, by saying "look at the programming" you mean, be able to set your own values/build it up to your own preferences, slackware is a good choice. If you don't know what you are doing, getting it set up how you want won't be easy, but at the very least, it's a learning experience.

Here is a list of Linux Distributions. Most are free.

Python is the best starting point to learn to program. All the syntax of other languages is taken out so you can focus on good programming skills. And programming on Linux is simply more fluent, and in that essence, easier. A lot of IDE's are either installed, or right there in the Software Manager for you to install. For the longest while, I had a second ubuntu machine just for programming.

If you are serious about learning to program, I would suggest learning java. It is a bit harder, but it's more widely applicable. Nearly any machine can run java. Also, it is very similar to C++, which is another staple in the programming world. The benefit of java, is you aren't so worried about memory management.

Python is a fantastic language to start I hear, though I haven't yet got to it myself. Python (the interpreter) is available on both Windows and Linux. I don't know of any actual "python IDE", but Notepad++ on Windows or gedit/Kate/KWrite on Linux will be just fine for learning, they all have syntax highlighting, auto-indent, bracket matching and other handy features for editing code.

When you download Python from the official website (for windows at least. Though, they have linux downloads as well) it has it's own IDE that works very nicely. Everything you need to start programming is in that installer.

Oh, also, it comes with an interpreter, which is great for testing snippets of code. Gah, I miss Python.
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If, by saying "look at the programming" you mean, be able to set your own values/build it up to your own preferences, slackware is a good choice. If you don't know what you are doing, getting it set up how you want won't be easy, but at the very least, it's a learning experience.

Slackware is a quite advanced distro, and frankly installing/updating software on it is somewhat of a pain since you pretty much compile everything yourself (that is, unless you separately install a package manager, you do compile everything except the binaries that come with the installation media yourself). It's a bit "hardcore" and really, if you haven't used Linux a lot before and don't have a lot of experience with the command line, it will probably leave a bad taste in your mouth. I won't deny it's nice, though (I have it on my netbook but rarely use it because of *drum roll* wireless issues *ba-dum-chh*), but it's very... niche.

For a more advanced distro that lets you set up everything the way you like and makes you get low yet won't call for soothing cream, I would recommend Arch. You get to build everything from ground up and there's a plenty of even beginner-level documentation available.

Slackware is a quite advanced distro, and frankly installing/updating software on it is somewhat of a pain since you pretty much compile everything yourself (that is, unless you separately install a package manager, you do compile everything except the binaries that come with the installation media yourself). It's a bit "hardcore" and really, if you haven't used Linux a lot before and don't have a lot of experience with the command line, it will probably leave a bad taste in your mouth. I won't deny it's nice, though (I have it on my netbook but rarely use it because of *drum roll* wireless issues *ba-dum-chh*), but it's very... niche.

For a more advanced distro that lets you set up everything the way you like and makes you get low yet won't call for soothing cream, I would recommend Arch. You get to build everything from ground up and there's a plenty of even beginner-level documentation available.

Haha, even I said it wasn't easy. That's just the first that came to mind. If you really know what you are doing though, you can do a lot of things with slackware
I use Ubuntu, it is mainly a a loyalty thing for me, I have been with it since the release of 8.04 and I enjoy the direction it goes.

If I did not use Ubuntu I would prefer Fedora just due to the fact it has always ran amazing on my computer,

I think opensuse KDE has the best UI look and would still be using that due to my love for Yast but to many gpu issues and a very slow boot time.

If you are curious about all the distros and there perks I love using distro watch. There are so many and I have found some that I was interested in trying.
A great way to test out a variety is to use a virtual machine, rather than re-installing on your actual hard drive. I've a few times gone and download 5 - 10 distros at a time, install them all and just play around.
You know what I find amazing, I don't find many Debian users. A lot of Flavors are either built on it or uses it packages and a majority of them are some of the most popular distros but you do not meet a lot of Debian users.
I'm an ubuntu man but have used fedora from time to time as well. I really like the ui of fedora but ubuntu has become so user friendly that I just love it. My fiancee usually complains when I tinker around with oue computers but I've been running ubuntu on her laptop for about 6 months and she had yet to find anything she dislikes about it!
well i'm running this stuff on my compaq in my sig and it ain't gunna work well with a virtual machine, and right now windows isn't working cuz the win8 preview destroyed my mbr so i disconected the hdd and am only using the 60gb so space is limited. also i tried to use the opensuse from the gnome3 page and it won't load off my usb drive, and if i get it from the opensuse site then it's too big it's like 4.2gb's while my flashdrive is only "4" (comp shows it has like 3.7gb's free even after a format). and c'mon guys, you know i have like no programing exprence, i just want to play around and try to pick some stuff up, think i'll go to the python sight now though and try that out so thnx for that man
What you will find in Linux Flavors is the preferred U/I's, Like for example KDE U/I works a lot better then gnome in opensuse, in Ubuntu gnome or now Unity works better then KDE. I had a lot of U/I issues with opensuse and gnome 3.0.
based on recs from the linux chooser i'm thinking it's between mint, debian, and fedora since i'm on ubuntu now, although i may just go back to 10.04 as i don't like 11.1 and it doesn't like me (no 9600se support hich even 11.04 had i believe.) although still looking at opensuse as an option
Crunchbang linux is a nice intermediate level distro that forces you do to some things the old fashioned way, and makes life simple for other task. I do all my programming in it, and it's deff one of the lighter distros out there. Plus it's based off Debian, which also make sure to keep there packages very well maintained.
Linux Mint is popular with myself. It was what got me started. I was dual-booting LM9 and Win7 on my laptop because LM9 is so much better on battery life. After a while I just stopped using it and needed to wipe my laptop anyway. Just recently started dual-booting LM11 and Win7 again.
So I have been reading some things that bother me, for starters I was reading about the largest contributor to the Linux code and of course Red Hat took number one contributing over 12% of the code in the Kernel.

I think what bothers me is what does canonical provide? I mean they were not even in the top five top contributors, so they don't help write code and they use Debian packages so there work seems minimal.

The only reason this bothers me is the Linux community is built on contribution, developers coming together to make it better and from what I am seeing Ubuntu uses code and packages for there personal gain and does nothing to give back.
I think what bothers me is what does canonical provide? I mean they were not even in the top five top contributors, so they don't help write code and they use Debian packages so there work seems minimal.
Nothing, really. At least in the past they haven't contributed any of their work to upstream, but kept it to themselves. That's one of the reasons more fanatical *nix/FOSS people think Canonical/Ubuntu users are poopheads, and AFAIK they haven't changed their practices.
Well I know this bothers me cause Ubuntu is profiting off everyone else's work and I think the only thing they have given us is Unity which I do not mind but I think RHEL and Fedora's gnome 3 they help create was far superior in design and looks.
well i'm pretty sure that ubuntu usees gnome3 for the unity, not sure but i think it's linked on the gnome3 site as a gnome3 distro. also i think much of the contributions go to things like the ubuntu one, i don't think it's free to get any user a free 2gb's online backup, and i think it said adding more memory was free too just not done at the beginning cuz then it would cost more to do