64 Bit IE & Yahoo Mail


New Member
Everytime I try to send an e-mail over yahoo my 64 bit internet explorer crashes. It works fine with the 32 bit version. Is this a known issue?
Not sure what the deal is. Why use the 64 bit version? I don't see any advantages.

I'm also wondering why you're using IE instead of one of the other browsers, like Chrome or Firefox.
Everytime I try to send an e-mail over yahoo my 64 bit internet explorer crashes. It works fine with the 32 bit version. Is this a known issue?

Works fine for me.

Not sure what the deal is. Why use the 64 bit version? I don't see any advantages.

I'm also wondering why you're using IE instead of one of the other browsers, like Chrome or Firefox.

Why not? Its just as good as both of thoses over rated fanboy browsers. I use them all and there isnt anything better about them.
Works fine for me.

Why not? Its just as good as both of thoses over rated fanboy browsers. I use them all and there isnt anything better about them.

Chrome and Firefox have better web standards support. Meaning, some sites (excluding CF's 1990s theme) will look a lot better in those browsers than IE.
Look better, who to you? Wow I am amazed of the logic of that statement. Come on, you can do better then that. To much fanboy crap going on here.
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Look better, who to you? Wow I am amazed of the logic of that statement. Come on, you can do better then that. To much fanboy crap going on here.

That question doesn't seem very logical.

It's true that IE does not support a lot of web standards, even in the latest version. Do a search and see for yourself. Web designers hate it.
I was trying out the latest firefox but I also had issues with it concerning yahoo mail and showing videos on some sites.