What was the first game you played?

PC WhizzKid

New Member
Hello guys,

What was the first game that you played?

For me: It was a racing game which the steering of the car, was controlled by the mouse. Which was tricky. That was in 1994/95.
my first memory of a game was some weird submarine game for the snes, kept me entertained for hours, i must have only been around 4-5
Something in the 80's. We had an atari 2600 with a box of games. I'm not sure I remember my first game.

I do remember having a bunch of 2600 stuff, which I still have. I have strong memories of Christmas (though not the year) when me and my brother got our NES. Then later a Genesis. After those I bought my own systems.
My first game was Magic School Bus Explores the Human Body around 1994/1995.
first i remember was some pink panther game on an old Nintendo something that still used cartridges.
Mine has a game with words, in a amstrand computer ...
But the first real game i has play , has, age of empires : the rise of Rome demo. In my First desktop computer (P1 100Mgz 64MB ram)
Mario Bros. and Duck Hunt.

My mom bought the family an NES in 1991 and I was hooked from there. We grew up pretty damn poor but I somehow managed to have a ton of video games back then.
This frog game on the Atari, I must of been 5 or 6.

Was it by any chance frogger?

The first I played was Sonic the Hedgehog, the original on the Mega Drive, which was the first console I had.

The first PC game I played was either Raptor or some game called Doctor Pill.

It is only when I put them like that I realise how young I was when I started gaming, must have only been about 2 or 3
First game I played was Pong on a Magnavox Odyssey back in around 1973 or so. Pong is considered to be the game that started the video game industry.
I do remember having a bunch of 2600 stuff, which I still have. I have strong memories of Christmas (though not the year) when me and my brother got our NES. Then later a Genesis. After those I bought my own systems.