Diablo 3

god, D2 was crazy, man remember the Duping days? lol i had whole mule account full of SOJs and i had a so many wind forces and all kthe other dope stuff.

Ahh good times favorite things were baal runs and the organs in the cube to go to super- Trisdam, it been to long.
I have not played, however from what I have been told from someone from the clan:

He managed to finish it in less than a day, as in real world day, not 24 hours play time. He killed the last boss with just standing there autoattacking. He restarted before finishing as completing all of the side quests meant he was far too strong for the main story line, making it harder still.

The scaling, if there is any, is far off what it should be, the game is too short, especially considering the development time and it is far, far too easy from start to finish, even with harder difficulties and squishy heroes

Well I dont know who told you this but it seems like a wee bit of exaggeration, I have doen everything playing the story, yet when i hit about the middle of act 3 i began dying A LOT. Basically dont just something on what you been told.
Is there any option to turn on an offline mode like in starcraft 2? I just moved to a new home and the only internet provider is AT&T and they dont have any freaking dsl ports open on the line my house is on so I cant get internet what so ever! I am soo stressed out over the required internet connection. I have wifi at work so i cant install and dl everything there and it would be awsome to be able to turn on offline mode and the log in at home and play some.
Iv wanted to like diablo 3 but i dont even want to pick it up :( loved the first 2 and remember spending countless hours on them...But i mean 7 hours for d3's campaign is horrendous. What is it cod? Not to mention the videos iv seen on youtube look crap and the reviews iv seen suggest to me they took a lot of the complexity of the old ones out.

I think im going to give this a miss, and @Cromwell i may check out torchlight, its much cheaper :p

It's a lot like Torchlight except you don't have a pet to help you.
Well I dont know who told you this but it seems like a wee bit of exaggeration, I have doen everything playing the story, yet when i hit about the middle of act 3 i began dying A LOT. Basically dont just something on what you been told.

I play with this guy daily almost. He lives in Canada so got the game before it was released over here and finished it before any of our European members even had the game. He isn't even really that hardcore either, the day he got it I played some LoL with him, so he wasn't even on it for the full 24 hours and still finished it.

I dunno what class he was playing, but to be able to stand there wailing on a boss at any point and win without dodging any abilities regardless of class or game difficulty just seems stupid to me. Not really a boss at all if that can be done.
I play with this guy daily almost. He lives in Canada so got the game before it was released over here and finished it before any of our European members even had the game. He isn't even really that hardcore either, the day he got it I played some LoL with him, so he wasn't even on it for the full 24 hours and still finished it.

I dunno what class he was playing, but to be able to stand there wailing on a boss at any point and win without dodging any abilities regardless of class or game difficulty just seems stupid to me. Not really a boss at all if that can be done.

I respect your opinion as a gamer. But, it's not very reinforcing to argue a point just based on what someone else has said.
I play with this guy daily almost. He lives in Canada so got the game before it was released over here and finished it before any of our European members even had the game. He isn't even really that hardcore either, the day he got it I played some LoL with him, so he wasn't even on it for the full 24 hours and still finished it.

I dunno what class he was playing, but to be able to stand there wailing on a boss at any point and win without dodging any abilities regardless of class or game difficulty just seems stupid to me. Not really a boss at all if that can be done.

If you actually play through the whole game, side quest and all, on Inferno, there is no way you can beat it in 7hrs. Ive played a total of 24hrs and 54 mins.(normal difficulty) and only made it to "Act III". Of course thats me doing everything, clearing all maps of all monsters and all treasures.FYI,im a barbarian at level 29.

There are tons of games that ive beatin' in a day, Diablo isn't one of them. On top of the 100's of games ive beatin' in a day, they offer hardly NO replay value as opposed to Diablo.

Like I said, if you didnt enjoy/played Diablo I and II, then don't bother playing Diablo III. It wasnt meant to bring "new comers" to the game(even though Blizzard wouldent mind), it was for the "Diablo" fans.
Is it really worth getting? I ordered it off play.com but its waiting for stock so i can cancel any time. I heard a guy complete the game in 7 hours and in that case itll be shit
Is it really worth getting? I ordered it off play.com but its waiting for stock so i can cancel any time. I heard a guy complete the game in 7 hours and in that case itll be shit
Read through the previous 5 pages to find out.
It IS a pretty box...re installing Diablo 2 to pass the time until i build my new computer next month :|
Diablo 3 came in the mail today....Is not compatible with my video card...../commence crying.

To run it anyway (this will only beat the launcher boss, it won't make the game run smoothly), install, find a file called D3Prefs. Change 'DisableTrilinearFiltering' to 1 and change HardwareClass to 1. Then run the game launcher and when you press play you will get that same video card warning, but press escape and the game will launch.

If you can't find D3Prefs run the launcher, press play. On the screen that says your video card isn't good enough press escape. You should get a white screen, which you can then close. Then go back and find D3Prefs as above.
If you actually play through the whole game, side quest and all, on Inferno, there is no way you can beat it in 7hrs. Ive played a total of 24hrs and 54 mins.(normal difficulty) and only made it to "Act III". Of course thats me doing everything, clearing all maps of all monsters and all treasures.FYI,im a barbarian at level 29.

There are tons of games that ive beatin' in a day, Diablo isn't one of them. On top of the 100's of games ive beatin' in a day, they offer hardly NO replay value as opposed to Diablo.

Like I said, if you didnt enjoy/played Diablo I and II, then don't bother playing Diablo III. It wasnt meant to bring "new comers" to the game(even though Blizzard wouldent mind), it was for the "Diablo" fans.

Thank you.

Seems like everyone is going off of what other players think: "I heard that someone said that some player beat it in 7 hours, what a shitty game." I've played 11 hours and am only half-way through Act II.

I think one of the main differences from Diablo I and II that make Diablo III seem a lot easier is that they changed the way healing works. To me, it's a lot easier to heal yourself. You're almost immortal thanks to the infamous "Health-Globes" that every other monster drops on death. Potions heal a shit ton too. So it's kind of hard for you to die, but don't get me wrong, some areas have a whole damn horde of monsters, and are somewhat hard to beat.
I think one of the main differences from Diablo I and II that make Diablo III seem a lot easier is that they changed the way healing works. To me, it's a lot easier to heal yourself. You're almost immortal thanks to the infamous "Health-Globes" that every other monster drops on death. Potions heal a shit ton too. So it's kind of hard for you to die, but don't get me wrong, some areas have a whole damn horde of monsters, and are somewhat hard to beat.

Diablo 1 takes some mad skill and patience. Diablo 3 is a cakewalk. Im decided im not going to get it, my stepdad has it and its to cartooney.
tech savvy said:
Love it or hate it, I love it. Right now im on Nightmare act III. Everytime you beat Diablo it opens a new difficulty from normal, nightmare, hell, and inferno. On top of it opening harder difficulties, they're are new side quest to do in every difficulty with random maps. Also, you get better and better armor/weapons father you venture in the game. You just cant play though Diablo one time on normal and expect to get your full enjoyment. The game was made to play though atleast three times, normal,nightmare,hell thats so you can achiev all achievements. Inferno is there just for the hardcore diablo fans, you die one time thats it, GAME

I think he sums it up.
Thank you.

Seems like everyone is going off of what other players think: "I heard that someone said that some player beat it in 7 hours, what a shitty game." I've played 11 hours and am only half-way through Act II.

I think one of the main differences from Diablo I and II that make Diablo III seem a lot easier is that they changed the way healing works. To me, it's a lot easier to heal yourself. You're almost immortal thanks to the infamous "Health-Globes" that every other monster drops on death. Potions heal a shit ton too. So it's kind of hard for you to die, but don't get me wrong, some areas have a whole damn horde of monsters, and are somewhat hard to beat.

Yeah with the globes my barbarian wades through most everything on normal. The challenge isn't all that high, but I have died a few times when getting overwhelmed or chasing loot goblins.

I do think not being able to spam potions increases difficulty. With solo bosses there are not globes all over the place, and you can't rely on potions constantly.

There's a balance in there. I tend to play in about 2 hour spurts. I get restless around that time with this one. Other games keep me hooked for hours, but Diablo is a repetitive game. That's the nature of it. There's no way to change that without changing it's core.

Also it has random dungeons and such, that adds to the replay value. Which is why I guess they don't have an 60 hour campaign.
Diablo 1 takes some mad skill and patience. Diablo 3 is a cakewalk. Im decided im not going to get it, my stepdad has it and its to cartooney.

The cartoonish graphics are hit and miss. There is a ton of blood and gore, but it's mixed in with the WoW style of graphics.

I'm not sure why bright and pretty was the choice. I'd rather the grim and gritty style of Dark Souls. Diablo 3's content is not bright and fluffy, it's dark, depressing, and filled with gore.

I'm not really feeling anything so great about Diablo 3 that I didn't feel about Titan Quest. Which isn't a knock to either, it's just that Titan's Quest is several years old and I'm not seeing the improvements.