Post A Pic Of Your Pc Here :)

Why the random 8- and 6- pin?
And why is the picture upside down? Or is it?

1200 mm fan? LOL! It is actually 120 mm not 1200 mm.

Unless you're hardcore overclock with watercool. If you don't plan to overclock that very high then not need watercool just get heatsink. I have 120 mm fan heatsink and no problem with wire manage.

Plus i don't plan on getting watercool just because there is chance of leaking risk. Can't hurt my "better I ever have" motherboard.

Correct English or GTFO.
I would figure that if you turn it around, then you would also have to invert it. But I am not completely sure. What case is that?
Told him the same thing, and everybody started yelling at me.He is awful at english, he should have joined a computer forum his language.

You really need to stop doing that like correct grammer i posted. I don't ever asking for your help with my grammer. It is rude and little harass. So step away please before you getting in trouble.
lol what kind of house do you live in that uses 3'' cast iron water pipes? Thats not water it's the houses' heating system.
Lots of old houses around here have cast iron drainage pipes. So what gets carried down/up that pipe?
Lots of old houses around here have cast iron drainage pipes. So what gets carried down/up that pipe?
Looks like a steam pipe.
I used to live in a house that had steam heat back in the 60's.
The down pipes are too small for that to be a drain pipe.

But it could be hot water for a radiator also.

is that a calculator from texas instruments :p
got the same c for school :D
Lots of old houses around here have cast iron drainage pipes. So what gets carried down/up that pipe?

Sewer pipes are not what I call ''water pipes'' as your previous post said. My house also does have cast iron sewer pipes, but as said by someone else these are steam pipes for the heating.

If they would ever leak or break I'd have a lot more problems than damaging my PC components. But since my house was built in 1908, and they have never leaked in the 6 years I've been here, pretty sure I'm OK.
Sewer pipes are not what I call ''water pipes'' as your previous post said. My house also does have cast iron sewer pipes, but as said by someone else these are steam pipes for the heating.

If they would ever leak or break I'd have a lot more problems than damaging my PC components. But since my house was built in 1908, and they have never leaked in the 6 years I've been here, pretty sure I'm OK.
