Computer for programming/casual gaming.


New Member
Hey guys! I'm new to this forum, but I was hoping for an un biased view on me building a computer instead of going to the local Pc World and paying excessive amounts for poor performance.
So basically I will have around £800-£850 next year, in which I'll need to spend on a half decent computer that can run a fair few programs at once as well as if I wanted a casual approach to gaming, it will also need to be able to handle Dual Monitors, not sure if that's major or not but yeah, just need some help please guys!
I would wait until next year. Prices will probably change a great deal between now and then, so will parts.

We could put together a build for you today but it won't be relevant after that amount of time.
I would wait until next year. Prices will probably change a great deal between now and then, so will parts.

We could put together a build for you today but it won't be relevant after that amount of time.

This. Prices changes enormously even in the space of a few weeks sometimes. We'll be happy to help you out when the time comes, but now it's pretty pointless to get a parts list since it will be outdated in a month or less.
Ahh right, thanks for the help so far guys, I'll still stay active on the forums and help out if I can, however compared to you guys I am merely a amateur :)
I disagree totally. Lol, a 2500K will still destroy all games with the right CPU.

Please post what hardware you will already have. Do you intend on gaming on more than one monitor (3 is usually the min for that).

There's plenty you can get for that budget.
I disagree totally. Lol, a 2500K will still destroy all games with the right CPU.

Please post what hardware you will already have. Do you intend on gaming on more than one monitor (3 is usually the min for that).

There's plenty you can get for that budget.

Your response doesn't make sense. He said he won't have the money until next year so no point in getting a parts list now when prices will change a lot between now and then.
I'm still more than happy to look into it at the moment, and ill have no hardware what so ever! :)