The Return of Voyagerfan99's Minecraft Server

Travis, can you add both LeeLee1412 and EdJae please? It's a friend of mine and her son, both have been playing for a while.
What started as me wanting to kill 15 minutes turned into an idea, which turned into building a basement, which turned into starting to map out a system to fully flesh out said idea... The result: the very beginnings of a subway of sorts. I'm calling it the Minecart Transit System (MTS) and it's goal will be to provide quick(er), safe travel in dedicated enemy-free tunnels (either completely underground or with glass block walls above ground) to whoever would like to participate.

Scenario: it's dusk and you got turned around while exploring and don't know where your house is. You see my place in the distance and quickly run for safety. There is a MTS sign and you also have a terminus in your house so you know you can get home via the access point on my property.

So far, I've made a station in my basement and made a nexus of-sorts inside the island between what was beer's island and Travis's mountain. I have a working prototype linking my basement to someone's backyard and ran rail from my basement to the Nexus. What was formerly Fluffy's Tomb is being converted to a Spawn terminus, and as it so happens, part of that rail runs through the community garden - you'll be looking down upon it as you travel.

If anyone would like to participate let me know here or IG if you see me and we can figure out a crude map and work from there.
Thanks;) Powered the rail between Spawn and Nexus. Going to dig a few starter tunnels later that I can branch out to other areas depending on who wants one connecting to them.
Some of you may have seen it blocked off behind glass barriers the last few days and were wondering "what is jay doing now?"

Wonder no more! There is a fully functional (and 100% safe) MTS railway in my basement station leading to a beach/ocean Biome. There is a cottage just outside the terminus station and a dock stocked with boats. Travel via a minecart, pick up some oars, and explore!
Awesome job on the MTS Jason. I'd recommend adding some mid-points going to the ocean just so people can get off and explore.
Awesome job on the MTS Jason. I'd recommend adding some mid-points going to the ocean just so people can get off and explore.

Thanks. Midpoints are actually in the planning stage - expect to see at least one or two pop up in the next few days. I'm thinking something behind C4C's house and another one about halfway between that and the last bridge. I just wanted to get that whole line running first and build from there rather than do it in spurts. The midpoint terminals will also allow for future lines to branch off from in case we find anything really cool or someone wants to build away from the cluster yet still be able to get back quickly.

If anyone has ideas or requests, let me know.
Server seems to have crashed the other day. Guess nobody missed it while it was down.

I got my replacement PowerLine adapters and have those connected to a gigabit switch, so the server is now pulling 60mbps down and 5mbps up. Much better than my old WRT54G wireless bridge.
Haven't been able to log much time this week, but I did notice it, just wasn't in a position to shoot out a quick message to you. Don't worry, I'll be building again in the next few days ;)
Oh, and the first above-mentioned midpoint is built. Right now it's basically just a junction point, but it will become a full terminal in due time. Just FYI, there's some really nice geography a good distance away from the back door ;)
There is an active MTS line (though currently a non-functional terminus) to monicapaige's house. Awaiting her feedback and/or basement requirements to finish the station. I'm also going to work on a map file I can upload and link to here showing the lines/stations - apparently this system is taking off and I want a way to have a reference file that can be updated for each new line.

Also, there was a zombie and skeleton in the Community Chest area at Spawn (actually inside the room), so they are finding their way into the safe area. Any objections to a moat surrounding Spawn that they can't get across?

Saw a few new faces in-game over the weekend :) Looks like we're getting a little community going!
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Excited to see what's been done during my absence. I tried to connect about a week ago and the IP didn't work. I'll try again Tuesday.