The GTX 1080 will NOT support 3 way and 4 way SLI...

How many people here actually use more than 2 cards. Kind of a small market, I get that some hardcore enthusiasts will be turned off..but it seems to me that its not going to be a deal breaker.

By the time you'd need 3 or more 1080's there is going to be newer cards anyhow.
Im pretty sure it is just a rumour. Jayztwocents on his livestream stated nvidia was giving him 3 cards to SLI. I doubt they would if SLI didnt work.
There was a rumor created because of their new 2 way SLI bridges.

Fact as stated many people run 1 card possibly 2. There are not many people who run 3 or 4 cards.
So it turns out the GTX 1080 can be run in triple SLi. You just need to contact Nvidia, and they will provide you an unlock code which will allow 3 way sli.
So it turns out the GTX 1080 can be run in triple SLi. You just need to contact Nvidia, and they will provide you an unlock code which will allow 3 way sli.

Not that I don't believe you, but do you have a source? That seems like a strange tactic.
Not that I don't believe you, but do you have a source? That seems like a strange tactic.

It's under the Changes to SLi section

But 3-way and 4-way SLI aren't totally dead—they're just not recommended. If you buy three GTX 1080 cards and want to run them in 3-way SLI, you can do so—or rather, you'll be able to do so. You need to unlock 3-way/4-way SLI first, however, by generating a special "key" for each GPU, using a tool and website Nvidia will provide at the retail launch on May 27. So for the 0.001% of gamers this affects, it will be a bit more difficult, and scaling in many games will still be questionable at best.

Like the article have said, it probably wont matter to most people but to those guys like KingPin, it will matter.
Interesting. I guess if you're the type of consumer that would use 3 or 4 way SLI on 1080's you wouldn't balk at the idea of getting special instructions from Nvidia.
People who buy GTX 1080s tend to know what they're doing and why they're buying the highest-end GPU. Why is an unlock code necessary? I mean really...
It's interesting why they did what they did.

People who buy GTX 1080s tend to know what they're doing and why they're buying the highest-end GPU. Why is an unlock code necessary? I mean really...

You'll be surprised how many people who don't really know what goes on in a computer buys the most expensive thing because they have more money than sense.

It still doesn't explain why they went the route of locking out 3-way SLi though unless you register to get a code. Perhaps Nvidia wants to log how many people actually use 3-way SLi to gauge the type of funding that goes to supporting such setup.
You'll be surprised how many people who don't really know what goes on in a computer buys the most expensive thing because they have more money than sense.

I would have thought that those with the money, knowledge and interest for three GTX 1080s would probably build their own computers using the correct PSUs, cooling, motherboards etc to fully support three high-end GPUs.

And I would have thought that those who just have the money with no knowledge and not a lot of interest but want 'the best' would get the machines built by somebody else or a system builder who hopefully does know what they're doing. ;)
I would have thought that those with the money, knowledge and interest for three GTX 1080s would probably build their own computers using the correct PSUs, cooling, motherboards etc to fully support three high-end GPUs.

And I would have thought that those who just have the money with no knowledge and not a lot of interest but want 'the best' would get the machines built by somebody else or a system builder who hopefully does know what they're doing. ;)

You assume much
I tried to find this 'unlock' area of nvidia website, couldn't find anything. Any concrete evidence other than someone's blog?