wiping computers before selling or disposing of


New Member
I have 3 laptops that I need to wipe clean. what is the process and can I do it when I don't have the password to get into it.
Wipe them by using the OS media. Just delete existing partitions and repartion and install windows.
I should mention I have a wipe boot disc that a tech at my job gave me. can I just use that and how?
In addition to above, download dban, burn to cd, start the computer and boot to that cd and follow on screen instructions.
Can I buy some drugs from you? How is that in any way secure? Gotta wipe the drive properly or better yet remove it and destroy it.
Depends on the definition of wipe. If it didn't have any sensitive info or were PCs from other people then he probably doesn't have a huge requirement for zeroing out everything. Much faster to just dump the partition table and reinstall Windows.
Thats true, but dumping the partition file can be recovered very easily. I wouldn't trust selling a pc with HDD, but if I did, I would def let dban run overnight.
Depends on the definition of wipe. If it didn't have any sensitive info or were PCs from other people then he probably doesn't have a huge requirement for zeroing out everything. Much faster to just dump the partition table and reinstall Windows.

Op said "I have 3 laptops that I need to wipe clean" so to me that means overwriting everything with a utility that does that.
The majority of people won't know how to recover data from a drive, unless you are a computer geek. @mistersprinkles You really like going back to old threads and bringing them back up don't you?
The majority of people won't know how to recover data from a drive, unless you are a computer geek. @mistersprinkles You really like going back to old threads and bringing them back up don't you?

Are you selling or dispose?

If it is dispose, just physically remove the HDD, and destroy it with hammer...
The majority of people won't know how to recover data from a drive, unless you are a computer geek. @mistersprinkles You really like going back to old threads and bringing them back up don't you?

This is simply opinion, I would rather wipe the drive properly or remove it from the computer for sale than leave it to chance. Recovering a 'deleted' partition is something anyone can do with very little knowledge, and probably the first thing anyone might try if they receive a computer with no OS.
but dumping the partition file can be recovered very easily.
I agree, depends on the data. If it was someone else's data then it has no value to me. If I'm selling out of my own stock then it gets a few random data passes.

The part where the OP indicated he didn't know the passwords for all three implied to me that they were obtained from other sources in some (maybe nefarious?) fashion.