old micro atx |Compaq upgrade

Why the hell is nobody wanting to work, that's my question. When covid first hit I got it and then when I was better I got laid off for 4 months. I was so happy to get back to work, earn a living and get out of the house
Well here in the Good Ole USA, they were offered unemployment and then an additional 300 bucks a week. Government was freaking stupid for doing that. Who wants to work when you make more on unemployment? I work in a grocery store and have worked through the whole thing except for when I had my surgeries. My GF works in a daycare and has worked all the way through it.
Why the hell doesn't anyone want to offer a livable wage?
It's pretty simple. Unfortunately big companies are too greedy and then smaller companies can't afford it. A lot of businesses has closed due to covid and we don't need more that will close cause that can't afford to pay workers.
Yes, we had the same here in Canada, I actually collected employment insurance which they labeled as CERB here and fortunately didn't have to repay it. Was a rough 2020/2021 with a divorce and all of covid19. I was happy to get back to work
I actually collected employment insurance which they labeled as CERB here and fortunately didn't have to repay it.
In 'murica part of your wages go into unemployment insurance for others or maybe yourself, so you've already paid into the system.

Places can generally afford to pay more, but the managerial layer doesn't want to decrease their own already-inflated profit cut, so guess who is expected to pick up the difference?