I am beyond deperate pls help me my c drive keeps rapidly filling up


New Member
i have done several things to try and fix 4 hrs of yt vids,been in serveal discords begging for help this is my last resort pls help,i have done to much to be counted.
Empty the recycle bin. Hate to say it but 120gb is way too small for a single drive system. You should get a 500gb SSD if possible and clone to the new drive. You can also download and run windirstat to see what is taking up all the space.

Then post the image it displays once its done calculating, it will take a minute to complete. windirstat.jpg
You can always do a Disk Cleanup and purge any temp files that may be lurking in hidden folders.

Not really a permanent solution as it will fill up eventually again, but should buy you some time to get a bigger boot drive.
Empty the recycle bin. Hate to say it but 120gb is way too small for a single drive system. You should get a 500gb SSD if possible and clone to the new drive. You can also download and run windirstat to see what is taking up all the space.

Then post the image it displays once its done calculating, it will take a minute to complete. View attachment 10566
You might claw back 8-16G or so by deleting the hibernation file if you don't use that feature. It would be equal to the amount of RAM in your system.

Command Prompt as admin -> powercfg -h off

Otherwise install less crap to your drive, install to a different drive, or get a larger drive. Per above you can use Windirstat to see what all is utilizing that space. If you continue to see gigabytes consumed for no perceptible reason it might be worth doing a malware scan like with Malwarebytes.

What does your other drive look like?
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You might claw back 8-16G or so by deleting the hibernation file if you don't use that feature. It would be equal to the amount of RAM in your system.

Command Prompt as admin -> powercfg -h off

Otherwise install less crap to your drive, install to a different drive, or get a larger drive. Per above you can use Windirstat to see what all is utilizing that space. If you continue to see gigabytes consumed for no perceptible reason it might be worth doing a malware scan like with Malwarebytes.

What does your other drive look like?
i already have a 1 tb hard drive i use for everything
Empty the recycle bin. Hate to say it but 120gb is way too small for a single drive system. You should get a 500gb SSD if possible and clone to the new drive. You can also download and run windirstat to see what is taking up all the space.

Then post the image it displays once its done calculating, it will take a minute to complete. View attachment 10566
You should take a look at what's eating up 55GB in your user folder. Now, I'm not going to ask you to show us what's in there as it may involve some personal folders/files in there, but you need to see if the 55GB usage is legit.
Also make sure you run WinDirStat as admin. I've found it doesn't fully scan everything without elevation.
Red is my favorite color, but not when it comes to hard drive space! lol
Can't believe you mangaged to get down to that level of size!