wierd unstoppable noise


New Member
whenever im playing a video or music there is alway this noise that is so annoying. it makes the song/sound sorta skip and it sound kind of like a high squeak. its hard to explain and im desperate for a solution. i have a dell (which was the biggest mistake i ever made) computer with onboard sound. i trid different headphones and speakers and its still there.

Time for a good Creative Sound Blaster with EAX! You also made the mistake of sticking with the limitations seen with onboard... sound? if you can call it that. The only time onboard sound has been used here is when a card suddenly quit one day on one of the older builds. That didn't last long when the replacement was bought fast! It sounds like the onboard simply doesn't provide support for the demands multimedia will place on the onboard chip.
no mike. its not like the sound of feedback. its like every 2-3 seconds its this quick high squeek. i want to say it sounds like when your in a movie or something when they rewind, that kinda noise but ust a quick "sqwick!"

also idk if this applies to soundcards as it does with video cards but will pci sound cards be good because i only have pci slots
Time for a good Creative Sound Blaster with EAX! You also made the mistake of sticking with the limitations seen with onboard... sound? if you can call it that. The only time onboard sound has been used here is when a card suddenly quit one day on one of the older builds. That didn't last long when the replacement was bought fast! It sounds like the onboard simply doesn't provide support for the demands multimedia will place on the onboard chip.
Oh please. Don't get started with more useless information again.

What media player are you using?
its been doing that ever since ive remembered ever using speakers, haha. i thought it was the speakers but ive tried using headphones and other speakers but it still does it. i dont think ive heard it while using sound from something on the internet but im not completely sure because ive just never checked.

im also using winamp. and im using vlc to play movies. i have the same versions on my other computer and its not doing it.
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its been doing that ever since ive remembered ever using speakers, haha. i thought it was the speakers but ive tried using headphones and other speakers but it still does it. i dont think ive heard it while using sound from something on the internet but im not completely sure because ive just never checked.

im also using winamp. and im using vlc to play movies. i have the same versions on my other computer and its not doing it.

What most don't seem to realize is that multimedia can pull down on system resources faster then gaming when it comes to sound. Your system temps will have a tendency to climb higher then gaming when everything is at stock. Does the sound there have a mixer or just the one found in Windows? You could try trimming that somewhat to see if that helps.
what do you mean by a sound mixer? the only thing i have to control the sound is the volume control with windows. ive tried adjusting the different level somewhat and nothing changed.

would you recommend buying a soundcard bc i really dont want to buy something that is unnecessary for everyday use (that includes music and movies); because every other computer ive used was jsut fine with onboard sound..
You may or may not have gotten a mixer program with your soundcard. Look for it in the volume controls. Also PCeye if you havent caught on by now no one wants to see your useless i told you so or my computer is better than yours crap stop being a jerk to the people and just leave this forum before we start a petition with the mods to get you removed becuase the last 10 posts i have seen from you have been both smartassed and answers that were not even the right stuff sheesh.

Andy you can get a decent soundblaster card for 20 bucks if you just want a basic one. Go to like newegg and price sound cards of all kinds and brands and see if you find one you like and if you do post a link here and we can tell you what we think of if.
what should i be looking for when buying a soundcard. a soundcard around or under $10 wouldnt be worth it will it? im just trying to make sure this will help my problem bc i dont want to get it and find out its not it.

is there anywhere else the problem can come from?

EDIT: it also says that my sound mixer is SoundMAX Digital Audio. im assuming thats just what comes with every windows OS?
have you tried updating the drivers? i have onboard audio and i've never had sound issues so i find it hard to believe the onboard is having compatibility issues. if you haven't updated the drivers i would try that if worse comes to worse since dells such a screw up it could be an issue with the onboard audio controller
what do you mean by a sound mixer? the only thing i have to control the sound is the volume control with windows. ive tried adjusting the different level somewhat and nothing changed.

would you recommend buying a soundcard bc i really dont want to buy something that is unnecessary for everyday use (that includes music and movies); because every other computer ive used was jsut fine with onboard sound..

When going into entertainment through Start>all programs>sccessories you will see the Windows volume control there. When that screen opens look towards the bottom for the advanced tab. This is for the bass and tremble level adjustments. You can try trimming the levels there to see if there is any improvement(unfortunately not likely).

I am in agreement with Madhatter on the problem most likely being the onboard audio chip itself. The other system probably has a better audio chip or the one on that board has a fault. For extensive multimedia use, gaming, and the apparent problem there you would be better off getting a good expansion type sound card and solve the problem that way.

what should i be looking for when buying a soundcard. a soundcard around or under $10 wouldnt be worth it will it? im just trying to make sure this will help my problem bc i dont want to get it and find out its not it.

is there anywhere else the problem can come from?

EDIT: it also says that my sound mixer is SoundMAX Digital Audio. im assuming thats just what comes with every windows OS?

You can get cards for under $20 but they are at the low end of the scale for quality and otherwise. For a good card you can order a Creative Audigy model Sound Blaster without the 5 1/4" bay panel to save a lot there on cost or drop into a local retail outlet like Circuit city or Compusa for a look. Online prices are usually cheaper.

Apparently the chip or an internal connection is the problem. A cold solder point or bad jack on the board is the likely source. The SoundMax mixer is part of the software for the onboard sound and not included in any version of Windows. Windows only comes with a limited amount of general drivers.
Also PCeye if you havent caught on by now no one wants to see your useless i told you so or my computer is better than yours crap stop being a jerk to the people and just leave this forum before we start a petition with the mods to get you removed becuase the last 10 posts i have seen from you have been both smartassed and answers that were not even the right stuff sheesh.

What "fantasy land" are you living in? :rolleyes: The current case I'm running wasn't even a planned build. It 1s a rather fast replacement for the old one. I don't think oo many will consider an AMD64 3500+ cpued machine a high end gaming machine. Sorry if your bug repellent isn't selling here for all of the stuff you have been shoveling. What happened? Did you lose customers for that soemwhere else? :p