Quad core or dual core ?

i was looking on new egg and the quad and dual core cpus at the same speed r about the same price... thats the reason why i asked


Active Member
In speed you mean ghz? Ghz doesnt dictate speed. Intel used ghz as a measure of speed on their P4 series, but now days ghz doesnt mean how "fast" a processor is. If that isnt what you meant then disregard this post.


New Member
oh and also, id pick an equally priced dual core over quadcore, but thats just b/c i dont need all four cores and I will get a better out of the box speed with an equally priced dual core.


Active Member
actually, no you wont. any current quad core from intel will kill any dual core put out by almost double, because it IS double. its hypocritical to say you want power and pay the same price for half as much


Active Member
actually, no you wont. any current quad core from intel will kill any dual core put out by almost double, because it IS double. its hypocritical to say you want power and pay the same price for half as much

E6850 kill Q6600 at the moment as some program is not ultize for quad core


Active Member
and in 3 months the opposite will be true. because a technology is still developing is no reason to not embrace the fact that it is superior.


New Member
go with the quad cores....remember how popular the pentium D's were and how they blew the P4EE's out of the water?


New Member
actually, no you wont. any current quad core from intel will kill any dual core put out by almost double, because it IS double. its hypocritical to say you want power and pay the same price for half as much

wow your a big pile of smart huh?

a 2.4ghz Quad core with a 1000mhz FSB WILL never beat a 3.0 ghz dual core with a 1333mhz FSB in anything BESIDES multi threaded apps. I can think of so few software that utilizes more than 2 cores and even less that I personally would use, thus making the greater processing power of the e6850, more keen to what I would use it for. Just b/c you think buying a 6 month old processor make you think your future proof dose not mean it is true. MAYBE when intel releases their 45nm FASTER and HIGHER FSB quadcores in the end of January, it would be more wise to go quadcore as a future proof, but we are talking about RIGHT NOW


Super Moderator
Staff member
go QUAD...skip dual core.

quad core is more future proof and check out the Q6600 price...its fantastic.


Active Member
wow your a big pile of smart huh?

a 2.4ghz Quad core with a 1000mhz FSB WILL never beat a 3.0 ghz dual core with a 1333mhz FSB in anything BESIDES multi threaded apps. I can think of so few software that utilizes more than 2 cores and even less that I personally would use, thus making the greater processing power of the e6850, more keen to what I would use it for. Just b/c you think buying a 6 month old processor make you think your future proof dose not mean it is true. MAYBE when intel releases their 45nm FASTER and HIGHER FSB quadcores in the end of January, it would be more wise to go quadcore as a future proof, but we are talking about RIGHT NOW
Ever notice how process intensive apps are almost always multi threaded? What would you need a fast processor for? Video editing, rendering, compiling, cad? Well guess what?! All the quality video editing, rendering, cad, and compilers utilize quad core. That and for $40 more you can upgrade from the e6600 dual core to the quad core version. I still don't know why you are such a fan boy of dual core.


Staff member
In addition, game developers are well aware that quad core is the future. New games will be coded to take advantage of four cores, and I wouldn't be suprised to see patches released for games that currently do not support it.


VIP Member
Here it is in 'normal', for us simple folk :p


... Just imagine Quad Core on the end there! :D


VIP Member
Quad-cores perform better when someone is using multiple demanding applications at the same time, or using one of the select few programs that utilize more then 2 cores.

If all you're worried about is gaming, then for now the E6850 is the best choice.