you have 1 pending request (MSN)


New Member
what does it mean?

it says i have 1 pending request above my friend list on msn.

i thought when someone add u to their list.... we will have a pop up telling that someone want to ask u? but this is not a pop up.....
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what does it mean?

it says i have 1 pending request above my friend list on msn.

i thought when someone add u to their list.... we will have a pop up telling that someone want to ask u? but this is not a pop up.....

in msn you also have a profile...sorta like a "my space" and you can request friends and also receive updates to that profile.
its kinda like some one can request you to change your profile or for you to add information to the msn profile/space deal

as far as i know :D
ahh i see......

new question:
what does it mean when people is on "non-instant messaging" list

does it mean we blocked them? or they blocked us? or ect....
well i dont think i know for sure, but i could guess that its either an email that doesnt have msn ex- if your work has an email and you added that to your hotmail contacts but they dont have msn

if that makes sence
ahh i see......

new question:
what does it mean when people is on "non-instant messaging" list

does it mean we blocked them? or they blocked us? or ect....

i have that with every contact, but can go higher than my contact list number. it seems to me it is just like saying to email the person. I have 27 msn contacts but 47 non IM contacts as they are in my email address book.
ahh i see......

new question:
what does it mean when people is on "non-instant messaging" list

does it mean we blocked them? or they blocked us? or ect....

1. your first question - you have an MSn profile and you can accept or decline people access to your profile
2. in the non-instant messaging list is e-mail addresses... so you right-click on that then it will open up an e-mail mesage for you... you can delete those people and it will not do any harm to your account or the person's e-mail adress on your hotmail e-mail contacts.

anything else???

By the way you can get msn - and get msn 9 beta

Very good!!!!
