Old Machine to New!! Help..Please?

Darth Vapor

New Member
So I built a new machine for my wifes friend for general purpose (no gaming etc..) it has vista installed.

Then my wifes friend says oh by the way we are on dial-up and have a older machine on win98 and only a dvd rom - no burner. (they will be going to broadband)

They want to keep the data from the old machine - how could I do this easily? I havent seen the old machine but I am guessing no network card.

Can I just install as a slave drive? any ideas?
If they want to keep the data then I would just back it up and copy their files to the new computer.
[-0MEGA-];913905 said:
If they want to keep the data then I would just back it up and copy their files to the new computer.
How do I do that without a burner? They only have ROM and the old 3.5 Floppy